Chapter Ten

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(Ash's POV)

I glanced back at him, wondering what he was so intent on staring at. He'd been away from the group for a while, which was abnormal, even for him. Hunter had been alone for most of his life, but even he needed the company of the others.

Wait, why'd I say it like that? That makes it sound like I actually respected him.

Here's the thing, I didn't. The only reason I cared about his well-being was because if anything happened to him in this horrible forest, my girlfriend, Summer, would be devastated. So I promised myself that I wouldn't let anything bad happen to anyone.

I'd made the same promise a dozen times that night. Once when Venus got hurt, when we realized we were lost, and another time when Kittai had disappeared. I tried to bear the weight of everyone's well-being and lives, and really it was way too much for me. I knew that, but I had to do it for Summer. She was what mattered most, she always had been.

A few moments passed, and within that time, I'd promised myself once again that I wouldn't let anyone else be hurt. I had also been staring at Hunter, and I'd said something to him before I talked to myself, saying a quiet, "He's insane.. And it's getting worse by the minute.."

My mindless mumbling was interrupted by Max's voice, "Don't be rude to him now.." He mumbled, "We've all already got enough to deal with without you trying to pick fights with him.."

"We fight any other time.. This isn't much different.. He's still the same horrible guy, the only difference is that now he's even more crazy than usual.." I mumbled.

"You're horrible.." Was all Max said in response.

"I get that a lot.." I said as I turned back to where Hunter had been.

My breath hitched in my throat. He was gone. My promise was ruined, he was going to get hurt while he was away from the others. Summer was going to be mad at me..

Eventually, I shook my head, my mind was racing. I should've stopped him. I'm so dumb and helpless and horrible. He was going to get hurt and Summer would be upset and it was my fault. I couldn't even go after him.

I was interrupted by Max's voice, as if he'd been reading my mind, "He'll be alright. He's strong, and he's been in fights before.. He can beat anything, right..?"

"H-How did you...?" My voice trailed off.

"Oh, you've finally decided to listen.." Kat mumbled, "We were just talking about how Hunter disappeared.. But I can't expect that you care."

I just nodded and looked down, new thoughts entering my mind.

I was underestimating him. He could defend himself, he'd been doing it for years. Yeah..

With my confidence back, my promise returned as well.

I'll never let anyone else get hurt here!

But, the thing is, a simple promise won't save anyone.

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