Chapter Nine

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(Hunter's POV)

I stared into the forest, watching the slight glow. A part of me wanted to follow it, but another part wanted to stay and to see if the others saw it. My mind told me to go, but my instincts kept my feet planted right where they were.

I was torn. Part of me trusted it to be something good, while the rest was extremely cautious and wary. It seemed that a decision was impossible.

But I needed to make one. I couldn't just stand here thinking about it forever.

A few long moments passed, new thoughts and images barreled relentlessly into my mind, shattering and replacing the old ones.  Then those thoughts would be replaced by ones that were even newer until I shook my head and sighed, pushing them all back out. I couldn't handle so many conflicting ideas at once.

My mind was snapped out of it by a familiar voice, "Hunter? Hey, have you lost your mind.... Again.."

I blinked a few times before looking in the direction of the voice. It was Ash who'd spoken.

What a disappointment.

"Hunterrrr? Hey, uh, murderer, monster?" Ash said, trying to get my attention.

"What?!" I huffed. His most recent words angered me and brought back bad memories.

"Have you gone even more crazy?" Ash asked, his voice sounding cocky, as though he'd just won an argument.

I've heard that tone plenty of times, but this time I chose to ignore it. I couldn't let myself get into a fight with someone who was supposed to be my friend. Not in a place like this. 

So I simply shook my head and started back towards the forest where the glow was still coming from. Ash's voice sighed, "You're acting weirder than usual.."

But I didn't hear a word he said. My mind had already moved on, so it chose to ignore him. The glow was already getting brighter and closer, too. I was already far into the forest, not realizing that I was too far to find my way back to the others until after my ordeal with what I saw next.

The source of the glow.

I saw it.

No, not it. Her.

My mother. She was standing there, her skin pale and her entire body nearly transparent. She was gazing at me, a soft smile on her face. She looked just as gentle as ever, and it brought tears to my eyes.

"M-Mom.." I whimpered quietly, both overjoyed and overcome with grief.

After I'd spoken, her gaze shifted. It dropped to the ground. She was avoiding the eye contact I'd made with her.

So I approached her more and hugged her.

Or, tried to hug her. She disappeared when I touched her. I hugged nothing but air. She'd left me.


The first time was because my abusive father killed her but... Why did she leave me this time?

There was one main thought process now, it pushed its way into my mind and forced me to keep it there. I couldn't make the horrible thing disappear.

It was like an invisible enemy, toying with my mind and my emotions, like someone repeatedly whispering in my ears..

"She hates you."
"You disappointed her to much."
"Who would want a killer as a son?"
"She doesn't want you anymore."


Tears welled up in my bluish-gray eyes.


I fell to my knees.

That can't be right.

My face was buried in my hands.

She can't hate me.

I was now sobbing.

She can't...

I didn't stop, but instead it just got worse as another thought whispered in my ear.

"No one wants a broken child."

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