Chapter Three

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(Kittai's POV)

I was alone. Sitting beside a tree with my head in my hands. Tears were streaming down my face. They dripped from the bottom of my chin and fell before soaking into my shirt where they landed.

This was my fault.

My stupid dare got everyone into this mess. Now Venus was hurt, because of me. Everyone in the group was lost in a forest, trapped in the darkness with a monster that wants us all dead, because of me. We might never get out, because of me!

Why did I give Max that stupid dare? Why didn't anyone listen to Hunter?

He was trying to convince us that it's dangerous, but no one listened! No one listened and he was right! It's not even the first time it's happened either. I always get us all into horrible situations.

I hate me sometimes.

I took in a deep breath, struggling to contain my tears for a moment as I heard footsteps approach. It wasn't hard to tell that it was one of my friends, since the steps were lighter and slower. There was no scratching sounds of claws against dirt and no dragging sound of a tail behind it.

But who was it?

I glanced up to check, hoping to see Venus or someone I could talk to.


It was only Kai. He didn't look happy or concerned. Actually, he seemed angry and upset. One of his eyes glared down at me. The other was covered by long black hair.

"Why are you the one crying?" He demanded.

No sympathy. Good. I didn't deserve any.

"I... Th-This is all my fault!" I whimpered.

He just nodded, "Glad you realize it. And you should be glad that it wasn't my brother. If Max would've gotten hurt, I'd have killed you."

I winced, his words inflicting pain in my heart. He didn't care that he hurt me. He simply turned and walked away.

I deserved this.

My mind was racing. They didn't want me around.

Not after what I'd done.

I stood up. I wasn't going to make them suffer through my presence.

Never again would they have to deal with one of my stupid plans.

My feet began to carry me away from the others.

They'd never have to see me again.

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