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(Kat's POV)
A year passed since the incident, and since then Kittai had lost it completely. She'd gone from being the happiest, most social girl I know to being the depressed unhappy reclusive suicidal girl I now know. She rarely came out of her room, let alone out of the house. I'd tried to talk to her several times, but each time she only whimpered that it was her fault and told me to go away.

I'd gone to the abandoned house by that forest that we used to visit several times, to keep memories alive. It now looked so... Empty. I was so used to seeing the lively, smiling faces of my friends that I'd begun to take them for granted. Until the incident, I'd never stopped to realize just how lucky I was to have them all. We were all like family. But now it's simply broken hearts, broken and dull like the house really was.

I'd never noticed it's horrible condition before, but now it stood out to me. The siding of the outside structure was torn off, and inside paint was peeking from the walls. All of the Windows had at least a few cracks in them, though most were shattered to the point where the window frames were missing their glass. The floors were simply cement, dull, hard, lacking any carpet or color.

It wouldn't be so bad if the lights worked. But, spoiler alert, they didn't. They never had. Before, it had given the house a creepy vibe, something that sparked a sense of adventure in us all, but now it was merely a dull kind of darkness. It was dark enough to express the house's new aura of lifelessness, but it was light enough to faintly see the lacking condition of the inside.

The first time I'd gone to the house, I was excited for peace and quiet, and I was happy to get Kittai out of the house. But when we both saw it, we broke down. Kittai had immediately gone home, and I went into the house to investigate what I'd thought were real physical changes at the time.

When I got back to my home that I shared with Kittai, I was shocked at the quietness. Except for the droning of television commercials, it was so much quieter than usual. Normally, I could at least hear Kittai's music, or her talking, or sometimes she'd come out to greet me.

But not this time.

This time, the silence brought a sense of alarm, I was compelled to sprint around the house, ripping doors open and searching for my sister. It was a panic that I couldn't explain until I saw her.


She was in the bathroom, blood oozing from her forearms, empty pill bottles on the floor beside her.

A suicide attempt. The first of many.

Each time, I'd catch her. Each time, I'd bring her to the hospital. Each time, I'd endure the emotional stress of watching her boyfriend John's panicked pacing in the waiting room. Each time, Kittai would wake up, and each time she did she was greeted by John grabbing her and holding her close, crying into her chest. Each time, she'd apologize and cry and wail that she'd never do it again. Each time, she'd try to succeed in her promise, but each time she'd fall apart all over again and fail.

It didn't help her that the rest of her friends hadnt come to see her again either. Like Summer, or her best friend Tyler.

But, the thing was.. They couldn't see her anymore. After I'd told them what had happened, they both collapsed and bawled into their hands. Summer had let out a few angry words, she was angry at the world. Ash had been her everything until he was stolen from her. Tyler only sobbed over Hunter. He was silent about it, or he tried to be. I could hear him whimpering to himself.

After I left, I never saw either one of them again. Since Summer was Ash's fiancé, and Tyler was Hunter's, I don't think they could live without them.

They'd gone to join them.

I'd told Windcharmer, Venus's girlfriend, last. I dreaded telling her. She always seemed to peaceful, and happy, but what I witnessed when I told her about the tragedy was horrifying. She broke down, she pushed me away, she curled up on the floor in a ball of wails and tears.

I decided to leave her alone after that. To wait until it all sunk in.

But when I went back to check on her, she was gone. She'd disappeared.

Later, I'd convinced Kittai to go out on a date with John. She hadn't let him into her life again since the deaths. He was upset about it, but he tried to understand and be there for her.

I admired him for that.

After I helped Kittai get ready, I made her take a shower and put on nice clothes, I led her out to the restaurant and brought her inside.

Once she was with her boyfriend, I left the place. She came back home hours later, John was still with her.

And when she came in, she didn't something I hadn't seen her do in months.

She smiled.

It was then that I truly realized, for real and not just convincing myself, that we'd be okay. Kittai may always have the regret and guilt, and she may try to hurt herself, but she had John. She had me. She'd be alright.

And eventually, we'd all get to see our fallen friends again.

A/N: And that concludes our story! I'll finally be able to mark this trash as complete and never look back at it again! Tell me what you thought of it in the comments, and I'll just be grateful. Oh, and some of the characters used aren't mine. John, Summer, and Tyler belong to TheDerpQueen and Windcharmer happens to belong to birdsarecute123

Buh bye now~

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