Chapter Two

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(Hunter's POV)

As soon as the creature had tackled Venus, it seemed to disappear. It left a blood-soaked figure laying on the ground behind it.

This can't be good.

"Venus!" I heard Kittai yell. She ran towards the crumpled body on the ground.

Max followed close behind her, with Kai at his side. I stayed where I was with Kat beside me. We needed to care for our comrade, but at the same time someone had to keep watch. To make sure the creature didn't return.

It was a long time, laced with Kittai's terrified voice asking if Venus was dead and with Kai's frustrated voice telling her to leave him alone. Kittai's question would remain unanswered for a while.

I was sure that at least two hours passed. We had no answer to whether or not our friend was okay.

He couldn't die. He wouldn't. He was so lively, that couldn't just be dead like that.

I began pacing, nervous anxieties getting to me. Kat turned and watched me, giving a sigh. She said nothing. I knew that it was because she couldn't honestly reassure me. Venus could just as easily be dead as alive.

My worrisome thoughts were interrupted suddenly, however, when Kai stride towards Kat and I. His hands were bloody, meaning that he must have had to stop bleeding to help our friend.

He looked at us for a moment before getting our attention, "Hunter, Kat. I've got good new and bad news."

My head snapped towards Kai before he spoke, "The good news is that Venus is alive and stable."

"The bad news?" Kat asked, her voice as demanding as always.

"The bad news is that he's unconscious, so we have to wait here for a while. We can't carry him or the movement might injure him further." Kai said.

Kat and I both nodded, though neither of us were happy about staying anywhere.

We stood there for a few minutes before Kat sighed, "You can go rest with the others.. I can keep watch."

I shook my head, "Oh no, I'd rather stay out here to make sure it's all safe.. I couldn't get a decent rest like this anyways."

Kat nodded, "Yeah, I see. I'm the same way."

"Oh yeah... Two is better to keep watch than one anyways.. I don't think either of us should be alone to watch." I said.

We stood there for another long moment, listening to our surroundings. The forest was dark but surprisingly serene and tranquil. It was temporarily quiet and peaceful. I wasn't about to complain about it.

I took a deep breath, relishing the moment of silence, before Kat suddenly spoke up. Her voice was quiet and soft, unlike how it usually was.

"Hey Hunter...?" She asked softly.

"Yeah?" I replied, my voice just as quiet as hers.

"Do you really like these people..? Or... Do you just stay because they help you?"

"Both." I answered, "I like most of them.. You, your sister, Max and Venus... So I stay.. And I feel like you help me without me having to feel like I'm being a burden.. You guys keep me as sane as I can be at this point.."

She nodded and looked down for a long moment. The peaceful silence returned for that moment before she spoke again, "Would you die for them?"

I blinked and looked at her, surprised by the suddenness of the serious question, "I uh... Yeah.. I would.."

"So would I.." Kat mumbled.

"They're.. All my friends.. Even with arguments.." I said, "I'd give my life for any of them.. Even Ass.."

Kat gave a little laugh at the nickname I used for Ash and nodded, "Yeah.. I see.."

It went back to being peaceful after that.


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