Thawing A frozen heart

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It's been a week since kiyoshi's last intense confrontation with Suchi. Even though Suchi tried to provoke kiyoshi many times but kiyoshi never paid any attention towards his actions. Suchi tried to make his school life miserable but Suijin's interference kept him on the bay. Kiyoshi was getting more and more attracted towards Yumiko. But he kept his distance.
Every thing was going on well for now. One day Masaru didn't show up at school. That day kiyoshi stood in the school corridors in the recess time. View from the corridor was breath taking. Greenery as far as eyes could see. Clouds hovering over the vast green plain and gentle breeze,everything was just so peaceful. Kiyoshi was standing near an open window of the corridor gazing at spectacular view outside. His eyes were closed and tender breeze made his black hair flow with it.
"I still can't understand what sensei meant when he said someone doesn't want me here??" Kiyoshi thoughts were running wild in his mind.
"Enjoying the view Fujita??!" Kiyoshi opened his grey eyes. His gaze met Shiro who had come there with a bunch of his friends. Kiyoshi didn't reply and started to walk away.
"Hey you...I am talking to you dammit."
"I have nothing to do with you." Kiyoshi said bluntly and walked past him.
"Huh....running away....just like "your lowly father."
That last part made kiyoshi cringe in disgust.
"I heard some juicy rumours about your family Fujita. Your dad must be such a jerk.....leaving behind his sensuous wife." All of shiro friends started laughing. Kiyoshi could feel his anger boiling up. He clenched his fist. All he wanted in that very moment was to punch Shiro real hard.
"PROMISE ME KIYOSHI......YOU WON'T DO ANYTHING RASH." All of a sudden kiyoshi remembered his promise that he made to his sensei. He calmed himself down and started to walk away. Shiro grabbed his hand and pinned him to the wall.
"I had enough of your attitude. What will you do kiyoshi??"
"Get off me Shiro....otherwise...."
"Make one wrong move and I will make you suffer for it badly. My dad is one of the board members of this school committee." Shiro said making his grip even more tight. Shiro then let go off his hand and kicked him in the gut. Kiyoshi squirmed in pain and fell on his knees. Before Shiro could hit him again,Shiro was kicked and he fell few yards away. Kiyoshi looked up and his eyes widened with shock. There she was.....the girl of kiyoshi's dreams....Yumiko.
"Did she kicked Shiro???" Kiyoshi was astonished by Yumiko's strength.
"Shame on you are a disgrace to this school. Don't you ever try to mess with kiyoshi. I guess I made myself clear." She gave an evil glance and Shiro and his friends left in a hurry. Everyone feared Yumiko because of her father.
"You ok Kiyohsi???" Her voiced changed. It was gentle and soothing. Kiyoshi looked at her and felt himself getting lost in her green eyes.
"Grab my hand." Yumiko stretched out her hand and picked kiyoshi.
"Thanks didn't need to go this far....if anything would have happened to you then.." Yumiko interrupted before he could finish.
"Don't worry about me. Shiro is a big coward....using his dad's name in such idiotic deeds. He won't disturb you again...I promise."
"Where did you learn to kick like that??"
"Oh that....I am Learning martial arts at home. I mean there's a dojo in our mansion's vicinity."
"Oh I see."
"Why didn't you say anything kiyoshi when he was insulting you and your family??" Yumiko asked softly.
"You heard??" He looked down in embarrassment.
"It's ok kiyoshi...I don't judge people by their backgrounds. Everyone has a past. I am impressed by your peace of mind. If I were in your shoes I don't know what I would have done." She said looking out of the window. Wind made her blonde hair flow. She looked even more beautiful.
"Friends??" She instantly asked,stretching out her hand in the process. Kiyoshi heart pounded hard.
"She doesn't feel disgusted by my past..." He thought to himself. He grabbed her hand with his shaking hand.
"Did she ever had a dream about me....just as I had about her??" He thought.
"Let's get back to class. Recess is over." She pulled kiyoshi with her. They started walking to the class still holding hands. Kiyoshi kept staring at her hand which was holding his hand. "It feels so warm." He thought And smiled.
"I guess I am not all that unwanted after all in this place." He thought to himself. Soon they reached their class.
At the end of the corridor,Suchi saw everything.
"If that's what they want then let me give them some more time to be together." He laughed wickedly as his mind plotted something evil.
Rest of the day passed by  without any fuss.
                              NEXT DAY
"Hello dear students...... Could you all follow me to the science lab. Today we will do some practicals." Suchi ordered everyone as he entered the class. Everyone grabbed their notebooks and walked out. Kiyoshi kept on looking Yumiko who was waking a little ahead of him with her friends.
"She is so simple minded. Even though she belongs to such reputed family she doesn't seem to a spoiled child." Kiyoshi smiled as he thought about her. Soon all reached the science lab. There many microscopes were placed on different tables.
"Ok listen up everybody. I am gonna divide you all in different groups. Each group will have two members. As I call your names please take your seats." Suchi explained everyone how the practical was going to be conducted. He called out names of students one by one.
"Kiyoshi Fujita and Yumiko Ikeda. Please take your seat." Suchi purposely put them in the same group. Kiyoshi felt a little awkward but also happy. Yumiko came towards him and they took their seats. Everyone sat down on their respective seats.
"Now take these slides and observe them under microscope."
Everyone started focusing on the practical.
"Can I go first kiyoshi??" Yumiko asked him. She was rather excited about the practical.
"Yeah sure."
She bent down and started to focus on the slide under the microscope. As she was busy looking through the microscope,her fringes fell on her face.She tucked them back but they kept falling back. Kiyoshi looked at her getting a little irritated. His hands moved involuntarily. He tucked her fringes behind her ear. Yumiko looked at kiyoshi and her face reddened.
"Thanks kiyoshi." She said slightly shying. Kiyoshi couldn't believe what he did just now.
"It's alright."He looked in the other direction when he spoke. She then started writing notes. Kiyoshi's eyes were glued on her pretty face.
They talked some more during the practical. Kiyoshi could feel himself getting more and more attached to her.
"Perfect. You will make everything easy for me Kiyoshi." Suchi thought in his mind and his grin became wider.
Soon the practical was over and everyone headed back to the class. In the next period,students went to their assigned club rooms. Kiyoshi reached the karate club and changed into his karategi(traditional karate uniform). Some other students were also in the club room.
"Sorry sensei...I am late." Kiyoshi was stunned to hear Yumiko voice.
"Come in Yumiko Ikeda." Suijin replied. "Yumiko Ikeda will be joining you all from this day onwards."
Kiyoshi was still in disbelief. She came and stood right next to kiyoshi.
"Hi again." She whispered slowly with a cute smile.
"I thought you were in the science club." Kiyoshi asked slowly.
"I wanted to do something exciting. I was getting really bored in the science club so I changed my club." She answered and paused for a moment. "I guess this way i will get to know more about you." She blushed. Kiyoshi was stunned By Her statement.
"She wants to know about me!!!" Kiyoshi thought,still in utter disbelief.
"Ok students. Today we will learn about stances and we will also learn how to use your opponent's power against them." Suijin then taught them some basic moves of karate.
"Kiyoshi will you come and demonstrate." Suijin asked kiyoshi to come in front. As he was learning martial arts since past two years,Suijin thought he would present a good example in front of others.
"Ok I need a volunteer. Who will come??"
" Sensei...pick me." Yumiko raised her hand and waved it frantically. Suijin sighed and asked her to come forth. Kiyoshi felt nervous around her. On the other hand she was quite excited.
"Ok ...both of you remember what I have taught. Ready??"
"Yes Sensei." Both Yumiko and kiyoshi replied in sync.
Yumiko made her first move but kiyoshi dodged her easily. Then Kiyoshi leapt forward and tried to make a direct move but he lost his concentration. He fell on Yumiko. His heartbeat became fast as he saw Yumiko under him. Yumiko looked up at kiyoshi. She blushed hard. Their faces were few inches apart. Both were panting,making their hot breath touch each other's face. They were lost in each other's eyes. Kiyoshi moved a little closer,forgetting about everyone around them.
"All I want is to be with you...I have waited so long for you." Kiyoshi's lips brushed against her chin as he whispered,making Yumiko shudder with a strange Kind of pleasure. Kiyoshi was completely lost in her shiny green eyes. He didn't know what he was saying, as if he was under some sort of spell.
"KIYOSHI.."  Suijin shouted and pulled him up. Both kiyoshi and Yumiko's face looked flushed. "Class is dismissed. Everyone leave except for you Kiyoshi." Suijin's ever so calm voice was mixed with a little bit of annoyance.
Everyone left. Yumiko looked back at kiyoshi  for a minute and then left with others.
Suijin then turned towards Kiyoshi.
"Kiyoshi I want you stay away from Yumiko."
"I don't know what you mean by that sensei." Kiyoshi said. He was a bit irritated by Suijin's interference in his every matter.
"Just do what I am saying."
"I think I owe some explanation this time sensei. What is it with you?? Why are you trying to control my life??"
"Don't act like a spoiled brat. You will do as I say. Stay away from her. I know what's in your heart."
"You know nothing. Just leave me alone." Kiyoshi started to Walk away in haste.
"This is my last warning Kiyo."
"I am not your son sensei......Enough is enough. I am done with you." Kiyoshi walked out of the club room. Suchi was standing at the door,enjoying the show. Kiyoshi stared at him and Walked away. As Kiyoshi left,Suchi entered the club room.
"Give up Suijin. Its their fate.Don't meddle with it." Suchi said with an evil smirk on his face.
"Get out...I said GET OUT."
"As you say "sensei". Suchi left laughing.
"Kiyo...." A tear rolled down Suijin's eye as he thought about his student who was like a son to him.
"Fate is so cruel...."  He said looking out of the window.

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