Mirror of time

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Search team arrived at the dojo. It consisted of five high ranked police officers and some Constables.  Yumiko's dad also accompanied them.

"Thank God you guys are here. I kept an eye on the dojo and I believe someone is inside." Suchi came forward and talked to the police officers who just arrived at the dojo.

"We will see. I need you out of the scene. We will take over from here. Please step aside." One of the senior officer said. Suchi gritted his teeth and steeped back. He wanted to go inside but he didn't want police to suspect him either so he remained outside until police was there. He waited for the right moment and snuck into the dojo after making an excuse for leaving.

The senior officer then divided all the members of the search team in five different groups and assigned them different areas of the dojo to search. Everyone got to work. Outside the dojo Mr Ikeda was waiting impatiently for some result. Since Yumiko's molestation nobody was able to find a single clue about kiyoshi and Suijin. As a dad his feelings were justified. Somewhere in the inner most part of the dojo Suchi set ablaze the hidden shrine. As he was just a shikigami,he was unable to get pass the barrier.Police noticed the smoke and came running towards the fire. Suchi hid behind some bushes.

"You 'have' to come out Suijin. This isn't some ordinary fire. Only a God can put off this fire." Suchi's evil plot was to lure Suijin out of the barrier. No matter what others do but that fire wouldn't go out.

"The suspects must be inside. They are trying to distract us so that they can escape. Team B cover the back area. I don't want them to run off from there." Senior officer deployed each team at every corner of the inner shrine. Fire brigade was called but no one was able to put out the fire.

"What the hell is going on here???" Mr Ikeda came near the inner shrine and asked the officer stationed there at the entrance.

"Sir the suspects are likely using fire to distract
us. But this fire isn't going down. Please stay back. We don't want you to get hurt." He said immediately and asked him to move out of the area.Inside in the shrine Suijin was well aware of what was going on outside.

"That Suchi has sunk so low. All this just to lure me out of my barrier." He mentally flinched at Suchi's action. "He doesn't care if anyone else get hurt. I have to do something before anyone gets into this mess."

"Kiyoshi....I want you to stay really close to me. We are leaving. No matter what happen don't let go of me. You got it." Kiyoshi nodded and stood near his sensei.

"I am going to put out this fire. The smoke will provide us cover." He explained his plan to kiyoshi.

"But where are we going??" Kiyoshi asked anxiously.

"We are going to the grand shrine of the supreme goddess."

"But how can we go there?? I mean don't you know we are wanted criminals in people's eyes."

There's nothing a God can't do." Suijin winked at Kiyoshi and asked him to follow. "Stay close. I am going to use my powers to transport us to the grand shrine. But first I am going to put out this fire."

Outside the shrine everyone was desperately trying to control the fire but all in vain. Suddenly a huge wave of water emerged from the inner shrine and fell on the shrine and on all the areas affected by fire. Everyone ran frantically to save themselves from that sudden splash of that enormous wave. Whole area was soon covered by thick smoke. Suijin and Kiyoshi came outside. Suijin's gaze met with Suchi's angry stare. Before Suchi could make any move,Suijin transported himself to the Grand shrine,along with Kiyoshi. In a blink of eye both were engulfed in light blue light and disappeared without any trace. Suchi clenched his fist in rage.

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