God's conflict

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The news of Yumiko's "apparent" molestation spread like wild fire. Kiyoshi and Suijin were convicted of the crime. Police launched a wide spread search operation for both of them. Suijin' dojo was confiscated by authorities. But Nobody was able to find them both. Kiyoshi and Suijin were in the inner most part of the dojo. And it was well hidden. Kiyoshi's mom was taken away by police for investigation so was Arata. Yumiko was rushed to the hospital. Doctor tried their best but she didn't wake up. Her dad even called doctors from US to Japan. But no one was able to wake her up.

"We don't know what's wrong with her. I think she has gone into deep comatose state Because of the mental shock." One of the Doctor explained her condition to Mr Ikeda.

"Isn't there anything that you can do?? You all are the best doctors in US...don't tell me even you can't do anything." Mr Ikeda said angrily.

"We are trying our best Sir. Please have patience." The doctor pressed Mr Ikeda's shoulder lightly and got back to his work.

"Damn you Kiyoshi......how dare you to even touch my daughter. I will make you suffer like hell once I get my hands on you." He stormed out of the hospital.

"Mr Ikeda." Suchi who was standing outside the hospital called him.

"Hello Mr Suchi. Thanks for everything. If you weren't there I don't know what Kiyoshi would have done to her. That bastard!!l" Mr Ikeda clenched his fist in rage.

"Everything will be alright Sir. Police will soon find him."

"I hope so. Could you please excuse me,I have to meet the chief of police department." He had a meeting with chief of police that evening. He left after talking to Suchi.

"Run...run...Kiyoshi. Run all that you want." Suchi laughed menacingly."I am coming for you." He knew where Kiyoshi and Suijin might be. He decided to catch them all by himself.

He went to the suijin's dojo. He looked everywhere but no one was there. The area was restricted for everyone by police.
"Dammit Suijin!! You are smart as ever." He could sense his presence but was unable to pinpoint his location.

"Hiding behind the barrier are we??!! No worries....I will make you come out." He then took out his cell phone and called the police headquarters.
"Hello...can I talk to the chief of police?It's really urgent."

"Sorry sir he is busy in a meeting." Came a female voice from the other side.

"It's about the Yumiko Ikeda case."

"Ok...let me put him on line."

"Hello this is chief of police speaking. Who is this??"

"Hello sir. I am Suchi...the person who informed the police about Yumiko Ikeda molestation case. Sir I have information about Kiyoshi."

"What??! Really...give me the full detail." The officer immediately took out a notepad and a pen to write down every single detail.

"He is hiding in a dojo that's in shin Nakano.I believe my colleague Mr Suijin took him there. I am standing just outside the dojo. Please come fast before they escape."

"But no one was there when our search team went there."

"There's someone inside. I am sure of it. Send your search team once again."

"Ok I am sending my best officers. You stay there but don't make any move. If they find  out you are there,they will run away once again." The police office disconnected the call and dispatched a search party. Mr Ikeda was there too.

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