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                           KIYOSHI'S P.O.V.

"How on earth I reached here?!!! Where am I?? Last thing I remember I was going to sleep then why I am here and why it's morning all of a sudden. Am I dreaming??" I woke up in a magnificent garden with so many beautiful flowers. Bright sun was shining above me and gentle breeze was blowing making flower petals to flow in air. It was so tranquil.  There was little pond near by with some koi fish in it. That garden was surrounded by large trees as far as I could see. And somehow I felt like I been to that place. I looked all around but not a single soul was out there.
"Hello....is there anyone here??" No answer.
"All this screaming won't get me out of here." I thought to myself and started walking. But no matter how far I went,I ended up at the same spot. I was just going around in circles. I was getting tired so I sat near the pond and looked at the fishes. It was so peaceful there that I didn't even remember when I fell asleep.

"Wake up.....wake up kiyoshi." I heard a gentle voice of a girl. I was still in daze. As I stood up I looked all around but there was no one.
"It's time kiyoshi....I am waiting for you." I heard that voice again but there was no one near me. I turned around and saw a figure. It looked like a girl. Her long Raven black hair were flowing with the wind. But I could not see her face properly as she was standing with her back facing me.
"Who are you??" I asked.
She slightly turned around.
"Don't forget I am waiting." Just after saying that she vanished in thin air.
"Wait.....please don't go." I didn't know why I said that. My heart ached as I saw her disappearing.

"KIYOSHI....KIYOSHI....wake up dear." I opened my eyes just to see my mother trying to wake me up rigorously.
"What happened kiyo?? Why were you screaming?? You alright my son??" Mom was really worried. I must have been dreaming then. I was panting real hard and was covered in sweat.
"I am fine mom....it was just a weird dream." I reassured her. "What time is it mom?"
"It's seven in the morning. Do you know what day it is??" She asked with excitement.
"Hmmmm...I know. Result day."
"I know my son will be on the top of his class."
"Thanks mom....lets see."
"Ok now take a shower....I am going to make something for you." She left saying that.

I was still wondering about that dream. I took shower and came out for breakfast.
"Hi kiyoshi." I saw Arata  sitting on the dining table.
"What are you doing here Arata?? Don't you have a home??"
"Hey don't be so rude.." He said making a stupid pout.
"Don't do that idiot. It doesn't suit you." He just laughed at my remark.
"Aren't you excited kiyo?? My heart will burst out of my chest anytime now."
"Oh really you are nervous!! I am glad your appetite isn't affected by your nervousness." I said in a sarcastic way and he punched me.
"I am a growing boy you know."
"Come on now...lets go." I stood up from my chair and took dishes to kitchen.
"All the best you two." My mom wished us as we headed for school.

"I am sure you gonna top. So have you decided in which school you will enrol for high school?"
Arata asked me as we got into the bus.
"Well I haven't decided yet."
"You will get in any school you want. But I am terrified. I don't want to repeat same Class." He looked scared and that really made me laugh.
"Sorry didn't mean to disrespect you. It's just hilarious to see you in such condition."
"How could you say something like that. Some friend you are!!!" He shrieked and everyone in the bus stared back at us.
"It's gonna be ok. Chill." I comforted him.

Results were out. I topped the class as everyone expected. Arata too passed the finals with not so good marks but still he was overjoyed with  the little marks he got. I was also happy for him. Arata was talking to some other boys of our class and I was standing near the window of my class.
"Kiyoshi Fujita." Our class teacher Mr Akito called out my name.
"Yes sir."
"Principal wants to see you. Follow me."
I followed my teacher. As we were walking towards principal's office my class teacher spoke up.
"Congratulations kiyoshi. I am really proud to have a student like you."
"Thank you very much sir." His appreciation made me so proud. It's been so long since someone said such kind words for me. People used to say shit about me and my family all the time so when my teacher appreciated me it made me really happy. Our school principal,Mr Toriyama, was a real gentleman. He always encouraged his students and teachers of the school. And above all he always supported me even after knowing everything about my family.
Soon we reached principal's office.
"May I come in sir?" My teacher asked for principal's  permission before  entering his office.
"Come in."
"Good morning sir." I wished him.
"Morning Fujita. You have done it again. Still on the top. I am really impressed."
"Thank you sir."
"You know why I called you here?"
"No sir."
"Well son....you have selected in Horikoshi Gakuen high school. You have got the scholarship. I am so proud of you."
"Horikoshi Gakuen is the most elite high school in Japan and I got selected there. Only super rich kids go there." I thought in my mind and it made my chest swell up with pride.
"Well done Fujita." My class teacher also praised me.
"Mr. Akito could you please excuse us for a while? I want to talk to him alone." Principal asked my class teacher.
"Sure sir." And he left.
"Yes sir."
"I want to talk to you about Horikoshi Gakuen." He said in a concerned voice.  That really puzzled me.
"Yes sir...what about it."
"Well son...I always appreciated and supported you. I don't care about your past...all I care about is your present and future. You are selected in the most elite school of Japan but you may face a completely different atmosphere there. I made sure no body knows about your family. Some rich kids may treat you bad but never lose sight of your aim. You want to become a neurosurgeon don't you??"

"Yes sir." I always wanted to do a reputed job. In reality all I wanted was to wash the stains of our horrible past off my family's name.
"Then listen son...no matter what others say just stay focused. Don't do anything rash there that might end up into your termination. Do you get me??"
"Yes sir...I won't." I promised him.
"Good....you can leave now."
"Thank you sir."
"Fujita.....good luck my son." Mr Toriyama said as I reached the door. I smiled and bowed down in respect. "Thanks sir." Then I left his office.
The news of my selection spread like wild fire in the entire school. Many students and teachers wished me but some of them just gritted their teeth. Arata came runnig toward me as I entered the class and hugged me.
"Oh my god kiyoshi...you will be going to Horikoshi Gakuen. I can't believe!!!! Congrats bud."
"Thanks Arata." I replied.

"Mom I did it....I will make you proud....I promise." My lips curled into a smile as I thought how mom would react when she will hear this wonderful news....Horikoshi Gakuen here I come....

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