Old Friends

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I laid there in the lazy goop of darkness, until. "RIINNGGGGGGGGGGGG!" The bloody alarm clock.
Right exactly at 7:00.
Flowey stared at me from his pot sitting on my dresser. "What a pain that clock is, you should just get rid of it." he said menacingly. I sighed "Flowey, don't you know it helps me get to school on time?" I said innocently. Flowey folded his two leafs together as if he was about to have a fit.

I then quickly put on my clothes and brushed my hair. I then grabbed Flowey and I rushed out of my room. Seemingly bouncing down the stairs to the kitchen.

There stood Toriel, she smiled sweetly. Her smile always brightened up any gloomy day I had. Especially from the jerks at school, that always would make fun of me. She picked up a plate there stood a glorious butterscotch cinnamon pie. It's beauty seemingly shining into the sunlight. I then grabbed the plate and I then devoured it. Toriel knew that pie was my all time favorite, just face the facts. If you put both Butterscotch and Cinnamon together, what do you get? Pure flavorful wonderfulness.

After I quickly devoured the pie which was my breakfast, I checked my backpack. Checking my schedule. I currently had each of the classes going as accordingly: Homeroom, Trigonometry, Advanced French, Lunch, Chemistry, History, and P.E. I sighed, as I saw Advanced French. I hated it. It was so frustrating, despite them thinking that I was 'gifted'. I flinched. I then returned to checking my backpack.

I made sure that each my textbooks, notebooks, pencil cases, and my planner were neatly prepared for the day. I then grabbed my wallet, and gym uniform. I quickly stuck some gum in my mouth and I then walked to the closest bus stop in my neighborhood.

I sat there under the shelter. I looked at my watch, 7:30. School starts at 8:00 so I have plenty of time. As I waited, I watched the cars zoom by. Bringing exhaust into the atmosphere. I then saw the bus drawing near to the station. So I got up and I grabbed my backpack. I flung the backpack over my shoulder and I entered the bus.

The bus itself was overly grubby. I waved my hand over my nose, trying to get the reeking smell away from my nose. I then mumbled to myself "I wish that they could actually clean this place."

Soon I simply just ignored the reeking smell and just watched the passing scenery. Watching each of the bus stops seemingly fly by. Soon I found it stopping at my high school.

I climbed out of the bus and I then looked at my high school in all it's glory. I then proceeded to walk into the high school.

I looked at my watch, 7:50. I then found myself racing into the gym for assembly. I didn't want to be late at all. Besides, my home room teacher's favoritism is always a killer. As I rushed throughout the school to my last stand to get to the gym. Flowey groaned, "Geez Frisk, good job on shaking my pot around. And trying your best to kill me." I ignored Flowey, even though he was slapping me with one of his leafs. It didn't really hurt anyway. My largest priority was to get to that gym in time. I then saw the doors to the gym, I quickly flung them open and I ran into the gym and sat down on the bleachers.

I sat there on the bleachers out of breath. I couldn't believe that I actually made it in time. I lazily drooped my hand and grabbed a water bottle out of my gym bag. I quickly drank it. The water lazily flowed down my throat. It was so refreshing. I then poured some into Flowey's pot. He narrowed his eyes at me and frowned "Drown me already." I snapped back at him "Ungrateful flower."

Just then as I said that I heard the principal begin to start talking. I sighed and simply just listened, I placed my hand on my chin boredly. But suddenly I then heard. "Besides that wonderful news. We will be welcoming several new students. They are also very special, they are monsters from the UnderGround." I then perked up. I then stared at the principal intently. I then switched my focus to the new students walking in. My jaw almost dropped at the sight. It was everyone I ever made friends with in the UnderGround. From Sans to Muffet. They were all here. Even Temmie. It was like they were all staring at me. The principal then spoke up. "Please introduce yourselves." She then passed the microphone to Mettaton. "Hello Beauties! I am Mettaton." he was obviously dramatizing it completely, "I am the star of several TV Shows in the UnderGround such as: MTT News, and Quiz Show---" Just then Undyne pulled the microphone over to her. "He's very flamboyant. He also has the world's most fabulous legs." Just as Mettaton glared at Undyne, she yanked the microphone from his hand with one swift yank. "First of all, I'm Undyne the Undying. Im also a badass. So don't you dare touch Alphys. Or any of my friends. That includes Frisk Dreemur." She then passed the microphone to Muffet. Muffet then grabbed it with one of her multiple arms. "I'm Muffet." She smiled sweetly. "With you donations we finally have aloud the spiders to have a heated limo to hot lands." I heard a few cheering, and a bit of booing. She then passed it to Papyrus, then Papyrus passed it to Nasptablook, then to Temmie, then finally to Alphys. When it finally reached Sans. I held my breath, I wanted to hear what he was going to say. He finally started talking "Hello everyone, I'm Sans." He shifted his hands in his pockets "There is not much to say about myself. Accept that I'm a skele-pun. And that I'm Asriel as it gets." He was obviously grinning. Papyrus marched over to Sans and was about rage quit. Until Sans continued talking "Also what I've heard about you jerks is that you won't keep your mouths shut. Just stay away from away from Frisk." He then stared directly at me. He was blushing lightly as we stared at eachother, I was too. Flowey finally interrupted. "Geez Frisk, it's like you're eyes are glued to that guy." I laughed and picked up Flowey.

"No Flowey! We're just best friends!"

But I knew we were something more.

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