A Airport and An Obnoxiously Long Ride

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Asriel skipped ahead. I smiled and I grabbed Sans hand. I clenched it tightly. He looked at me and he walked into the airport. That airport of Washington DC was bustling with people. We had three hours before our flight. But we needed everything to be checked in. And the obnoxiously long lines stood in the way. The bustling group of monsters and the single human, seemingly waited in the line of suitcase and security doom. Soon we had our bags registered and we walked to the security. The security officers growled at us. I then heard one of them whisper, 'Monsters.. Aren't they low life?' Sans tensed and Asriel looked at me. Mettaton and I seemingly spun and snapped back at the officers.  I started very smooth and I was prepared to roast these two scum bags. "You see.. We are not low life.." I cracked my knuckles. "We all are ambassadors." I smirked, "We currently have the leader of the UnderGround's Royal Guard, the King's ex.. (Cough cough... Asgore.. Toriel.. Blah), and of course the Guardian of the Underground and Monsters. Myself." The guards stared at me. One of them spoke up, "Oh really? Your only a teenager." I grinned, "I was simply a child when I fell into the Underground. I was then found myself saving the lives' of all the monsters. And freeing them from the caves of the underground which humans had sealed." The two of them looked at eachother, they knew about the neatly chosen ambassadors, and each of the roles that we had to play. They were absolutely astonished, I then walked away from the scene like a bad ass. Mettaton raised her hand, "Darling, you did amazing. You deserve a warm round of applause.. But I sadly don't have a crowd to clap for you. So I will do it myself." He smiled and clapped his robotic hands together. Sans sighed, "Cmon kid," I ran over to him and I lightly kissed him on the cheek.

Since the obnoxious line is gone, now didn't have to worry about bags. Accept for our carry ons which were pretty light. 

The group had then split off separating to the different shops in the airport. I obviously stuck with Sans. 

Sans and I held hands, and we wandered the vast airport. I looked at Sans and smiled. He smiled back. Most said that we were cute together, I agreed, so did Sans. Sans and I explored the stores. Looking at the neat nicknacks that the stores had. I ended up buying some sunglasses, while Sans simply window-shopped. 

Finally the time came for us to board the plane. We met up with everyone else and boarded the plane. Showing the passport to the guard. The guard immediately stopped us. "No monsters on the plane." I made a low deep growl. Practically everyone hated monsters. I clenched my fist. "You know. I hate when people stop monsters from doing things. Such as, going on planes, rides, taking classes. It annoys me. Firstly, this group I have right are ambassadors. That includes myself." The guard coughed, "No monsters are allowed." I sighed, "Fine then, But we're still going on." I sighed, my Determination seemingly tingled in my ears. "Frisk, Frisk! Say allow us on this plane. Touch his temple while doing so!" I immediately did so. The guard then looked dizzy and immediately let us pass. Sans stared at me, "How did you do that!" I looked down at the ground. "I don't know. But that's what the determination wanted me to do." Sans narrowed his eyes. "Intriguing is it not?" I laughed, "You're sounding like Alphys." He laughed "It really is! Your 'determination' has gotten you out of so many situations. You should be glad." I smiled and grabbed his hand.

 We then walked to our seats. They were fairly nice, and we had plenty of leg room. But of course Mettaton complained about how he had 'higher stands'.  Sans and I joked about it on the plane. All of us were separated in different isles. But we still talked. Sans and I both watched movies on the movie player infront of us both. We both decided to share. We both occasionally stared out the window from our window seat. Watching the ground change before us. It was actually a pretty good plane ride. 

Finally we arrived at Las Vegas. The group then recuperated. Everyone was exhausted or overly excited. 

We then retrieved out bags from the conveyor belt/bag return. As we finally reached the exit, we saw many people holding signs. Each of them had many names on it. I smiled, it must've been the families of the travelers. Our group then worked our way out of the crowd. We finally got out of the airport.

We all stared at Las Vegas in wonder. All the flashing lights, all the character, all the cars, and color. It was a mechanical wonder.

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