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I looked at my shaking hands.. "I-It is real.." I then fainted. My world was seemingly swept into a pit of darkness.

Frisk's Dream

I woke up infront of the scientist again. Instead, he took a different form. He was engulfed in darkness. Darkness seemingly followed him where ever he went. I stared at him. I then asked him a question.

"W-What happened to you?"


I shifted my hands in my sweater, time? I stood there confused, wondering about this man.

"You know Chara, I trusted you."

I then cringed. "Don't call me that!"

"Alright, alright.." he shrugged.

He sighed, "Chara.. you need to know one thing. Time is of your essence.."

I stood there confused, "What why?"  I then checked my sweater. I finally realized half of my sweater was blue and purple, while the other half was yellow and green. I clenched my fist.

"Watch you're back Frisk. She's always watching."

I then woke up in Undyne's car. I gasped as I looked around. "W-What the hell!" I got up, but I immediately fell down. "S-She's watching!" Sans scrambled over to me in the car. "F-Frisk.." He held me in his arms. "Who's watching!" I stared at him, "Her." He then looked around. "Where." 

I now understood what the man said. "S-She's me. She's you.. she's in all of us. A-And she's coming. Really soon." Just then, a fire lit right infront of us in the main road. Undyne immediately hit the break. Sending us launching into the seat we sat in. Flowey through the air, I then caught him.

"What's going on!" Flowey yelled. I then looked through the wind shield. There stood a massive fire. Undyne stood there holding onto the wheel in shock. Sans climbed out of the car and stared. He stared at what he was seeing in shock. There levitated Chara. She held a knife, and there circling around her were the human souls. The human souls that had fallen into the UnderGround held so much power. 

I climbed out of the car and I stared at her. Undyne came out carrying Flowey. Undyne's Jaw was about to drop.

Flowey stared at Chara, "Chara? Is that you?" Chara moved her blade, and aimed it right at Flowey. A large slash came out of the blade. Sans immediately reacted. His left eye began to glow a light blue. He then waved his hand and a Gaster Blaster formed right in front of Flowey. Protecting him from the attack. 

Sans winced. He stood there in shock with the blow taken by the Gaster Blaster. He fell to his knees. He got up, "Two can play that game." Undyne placed Flowey down. "You never hurt one of my friends." She then formed a spear in her hand. She then waved it in the air. Numbers upon numbers of spears formed around Chara. She pointed the spear at Chara, the spears then flung right at Chara. 

As the spears flew at Chara, a bubble soon appeared over her. Protecting her from the fall. Undyne stared at her. "You little.." Ciara waved her knife at Undyne. A powerful streak of darkness wavered and flew at Undyne. The Heroine Undyne quickly dodged the attack. Moving out of the way before it touched her. Sans then waved his hand. He then formed several Gaster Blasters. He then quickly moved his fingers, sending each of them shooting out a powerful beam at Chara. Who of course dodged them. He sighed. I looked at Flowey, I knew the power he held inside of him as Asriel Dreemur. I then touched my chest. 'I hope this works.' I thought. I then pulled my soul from my chest. Power screeched from inside of me. I then gave the strongest soul of 'Determination' to him. My power of Determination saved the lives of many in the UnderGround and allowed me to survive.

Flowey stared at me. "Take it." I gave it to him. Flowey stared at me in shock. "TAKE IT!" I yelled. Flowey took it and closed his eyes, concentrating as much as he possibly could. He then slowly turned from the flower he was into Asriel Dreemur. He clenched his fist. "Im sorry Chara.." He then flung a series of attacks at her, using my soul to power him. His hair seemingly blew in the wind as smoke from the fire engulfed around us. I then noticed the people running for their lives around us. Some watched as they ran. They were in shock with the amount of power we held in our hands. 

Asriel's attacks grew weaker and weaker, as he became more tired. Finally Asriel fell to his knees. He was exhausted from Chara's attacks. He handed my soul back to my weak body. As the soul converged back into my body. I felt alive again. 

I then clutched it. "YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU'VE DONE CHARA!" She laughed "Like i'd care."

I then swept my hands  into the air, I concentrated as much as I possibly could with my power of determination. I then called for help from the other souls. I then felt something. A great power being given to me, that was being taken away from Chara. 

I soon levitated into the air. I then struck my hands at Chara. She then fell back. I continued striking my hands at her. She stared at me, her face was struck in shame. I then finally  struck her one more time. I felt all my determination fall into this blow. I then waved my hand. Chara then fell to the ground. Hitting the ground hard. I then flew to her. I sighed. I had defeated Chara.

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