Unexpected Surprise [Chapter 11]

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//Jeremy's P.O.V//
I woke up on that uncomfortable mattress as usual and then sat up rubbing my eyes yawning. I got up preparing myself for the day then heard snoring, thank god, my dad was asleep. I decided now was my chance. I quickly got dressed and rushed out of the house not making a sound.
I took a deep breath of fresh air and felt the wind blow through my hair, majestically. Hm, Ive been needing new shirts and Sailor Moon Manga's lately maybe I can go and buy some at the store or something. But... I don't wanna go alone. It's boring that way, I decided to call my coworker as I started walking down the sidewalk away from my dads house.
Once I reached a certain area I called my coworker placing the phone up to my ear.
"Ugh... Hello?" Mike answered sounding a bit tired. I took a moment but responded,"H-hey Mike...! I-it's Jeremy... S-sorry is now a b-bad time?" I asked thinking I called at the wrong time."It's fine it's fine..." Mike answered with a kind of annoyed tone in his voice then let out a yawn. "What do you want kid" he asked me after he yawned." O-oh I was wondering maybe I-if you wanna go to H-Hot Topic w-with me" I said starting to twirl my hair with my finger getting nervous.
"Hm I dunno maybe, fuck it, fine I'll meet you at the one near Down Town Center" he said.
I felt a smile appear on my face them pumped my fist letting out a, yes!
"Hehe i-I'll meet you there!" I exclaimed." Uh yea see ya" Mike responded before hanging up. I quickly dashed over toward Down Town excited, wow, I am really childish. But I don't care! Im so happy to finally get to do something I actually enjoy! I luckily had some money in my pocket so I could buy my owm stuff.
After about ten, maybe fifteen minutes I arrived. When I entered the Hot Topic building I didn't see Mike anywhere, maybe he was late or something, hm well in the mean time I'll go and look for some T-Shirts. When I walked over toward the shirts in the back I looked up and oh my god...
Could it be?! No it can't!
There was a Sailor Moon shirt hanging on the top! Oh my god! I let out a loud squee to where everyone looked at me. I kinda blush in embarrassment but then ignored it. I tried to reach up and grab it but I couldn't, I was to short! Then out of nowhere another hand reaches up and grabbed the shirt for me. I looked over and saw Mike with the shirt in his hand.
"Seriously? You asked me to come over here just so you can but anime shit?" He asked raising his eyebrow." H-Hey don't judge me! I-I happen to l-love anime!" I defended myself grabbing the shirt from his hand and took a look at it having the biggest smile on my face and squealed.
Mike rolled his eyes,"You really are girly as fuck aren't you". I rolled my eye ignoring him then spoke,"And you are a big Meanie aren't you?". He raised his eyebrow giving a smirk while his hands were in his pockets,"Really? Meanie?"." Just s-shut up M-Mike" I said getting furious. He chuckled at me acting like a child knowing he was victorious. I rolled my eyes again then continued shopping in the anime section.
//Mikes P.O.V//
I chuckled at Jeremy looking all like a little kid who just lost his candy or some shit. What the hell is this anime shit he's into? Whatever it is it looks dumb as fuck. I kinda cringed a few times. The only anime I'm into is Pokemon, hell yea.
"Hey Jere sorry for interrupting your shopping spree or whatever but, you think they got any Pokemon shirts anywhere?" I doubt that they do." Oh yea! T-they have some o-over there" Jeremy said as he pointed to where they were with other shirts in his hand.
I looked over and oh my god, fucking Pokemon. Welcome back old childhood. I started to feel a smile appearing on my face then walked over towards the shirts and other antiques. Holy shit Charmander?! Calvery?! I'm in fuckin heaven. I grabbed like, what, about ten, maybe fifteen shirts? And I got a new red beanie with the poke' ball symbol on the front. Fuck yea, I'm on my Pokemon status right now.
After about twenty minutes we paid for all the shit we bought.
"T-That was fun! W-we should do this m-more often!" Jeremy said as he looked through the stuff in his bag." Yea I guess it was" I responded trying not to admit it was fun cause, ya know." O-Oh don't p-pretend you didn't h-have a good time, l-look at all that stuff y-you bought" he pointed out. Fucking hell this kid can see right through me. Nah I ain't giving up that easy." Yea, I have dirty shit at home that I'm to lazy to clean and I need more shirts anyways" I retorted.
Jeremy rolled his eyes then I saw his phone ringing in his pocket. I squinted my eyes to see who it was and it said, "Dad". Shit...
"Uh hey Jere? Your phones ringing" I said pointing toward his pocket as he turned toward me then looked down at his pocket.
//Jeremy P.O.V//
O-oh no... My dads calling, god why now?
"Oh t-thanks Mike, uh... O-one second l-let me take this c-call really quick" I told him before walking around the corner.
I took my phone out then flipped it open placing it up to my ear.
"WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU LITTLE BITCH?!" My dad shouted through the phone into my ear, I pulled the phone away hearing ringing noises from his voice echoing in my head.
"I-I just went-"
"I DONT CARE WHERE YOU ARE! GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE OR ILL HUNT YOUR SORRY FUCKING ASS DOWN IF YOUR NOT HERE IN TWENTY MINUETS!" he shouted again hanging up. I sighed then placed the phone back in my pocket. I wasn't looking up and when I was walking back around the corner I bumped into Mike then backed away.
"S-sorry!" I said." It's fine, what happened?" He asked me raising his eyebrow." N-nothing... I-I gotta go... I-I'll see you later" I told him before walking away. I didn't want to! I-I don't wanna go home! I don't want to be abused!!! I felt a tear coming on. I shook my head then looked back, Mike was leaving toward the parking lot, I sighed then looked back walking home with my bag of new shirts and Manga's.
//Mikes P.O.V//
I waited for the kid for a few seconds looking through the stuff I got then I heard a loud voice, not to loud but I could hear it, I peeked around the corner and heard more clearly. His dad was yelling at him through the phone, God, that must of hurt his ears. I started getting this feeling burning in my chest and started tightening my grip onto the bag I was holding until he finally hung up and was walking back toward me. I took a step back and then I saw Jeremy bump into me.
"S-sorry!" Jeremy exclaimed stepping back. I said it was fine. I asked him what happened, Jeremy just said,"N-nothing... I-I gotta go... I-I'll see you later".
He then turned around and left, I did the same and left toward my truck planning on going home, but then I thought... What the hell was going on at his house. Fuck it I'm gonna see what's up.
I tossed the bag in the passenger seat then started my car. Then I drove out of the parking lot, luckily I still remember where the street was. I took a shortcut, when I arrived I parked my car behind a house around the corner then got out of my car.
I peeked over again and saw Jeremy walking up toward the porch of a two story building. I started walking over but the moment I do I see a large, broad shouldered man open the door and jerk Jeremy inside.
"What the fuck...?!" I mumbled to myself. I then rushed over to the house crossing the street. I was close to the porch until I heard yelling and glass breaking. The door was slightly opened so I did what any person would do, I barged in the room. When I did I saw Jeremy on the floor curled up against the wall with blood dripping from his head and lip with his fucking dad over him kicking Jeremy.
I could feel it... I could feel all this anger burst out of my guts. I couldn't take it, I charged at Jeremy's dad sending him against the wall.
//Jeremy's P.O.V//
I couldn't see... Pain was all I could feel and tears stream down my bloody cheek. My father kept kicking me on my swelled bruises. But all of a sudden he stopped and I heard a loud thud. I opened my eyes feeling blood drop from my head and saw... M-Mike?
W-What was he doing here?! H-He held my dad to the wall keeping his elbow against my dads throat. His eyes... They weren't icy blue anymore... They... They were sinister black with clear white pupils.
W-What's happening?! W-what is he going to do to my dad?!

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