Good Boy [Chapter 21]

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It was a Monday night at 12 AM. Jeremy was just entering the pizzeria taking a glance toward the silver animatronic fox then turned back toward the dark hallway. When he entered he sat down and tugged the collar of his shirt out of pure nervousness.
He then sat down waiting for the message from the phone to play. He heard it ring then leaned on his hand and heard the message start to play.
"Uh, Hello! Hello! Uh see I told you your fist night wouldn't be a problem! Your a natural! Uh by now I'm sure you've noticed the older models, sitting in the back room. Uh those are from the pervious location. We just use them for parts now. The idea was first to repair them... Uh they even started retrofitting them with some of newer technology, but they were just so ugly you know?-"
Jeremy let out a sigh and rubbed his face then stopped the message. He then grabbed the tablet from the desk and began looking through the cameras.
He checked the party rooms and the main stage, everyone was in their place. Jeremy then placed the tablet down and grabbed the music box, wounding it up.
The teen did the same routine, putting the Freddy head on here and there when the animatronics ended up in the vents.
3:56 AM
Jeremy yawned as he looked through the camera,"A-Almost done... J-just three m-more hours..." He spoke to himself.
Clanking then occurred from the hallway. The teen shot his head up from the camera and then started to hear the clanking get closer and closer.
He quickly reacted and grabbed his flashlight trying to shine it in the hallway, it didn't work. He pressed the button over and over but it didn't work. Jeremy then remembered the Freddy head but accidentally knocked it over with his elbow. He couldn't move, he froze. Jeremy could see the tiny white pupils get closer and closer every second.
Jeremy got out from his chair and went underneath the desk bringing his knees to his chest, shaking in fear, waiting for his death.
He shut his eyes tightly wrapping his arms around his knees.
Jeremy waited and waited as he heard the footsteps got closer until they ended up in his office.
He was expecting to feel himself being dragged out viciously but instead felt a nudge. He opened his eyes to be face to face with the silver animatronic fox. Jeremy squeaked in fear stepping back, he tried to get up but hit his head from under the desk and then rubbed his head in pain.
The fox came closer then nudged his nose on Jeremy's chest. The teen could feel his heart racing and sweat run down his face. His sinister black eyes and white pupils is what made him really scared along with his razor sharp teeth.
Jeremy saw the animatronic fox then sit down in front of him wagging his fluffy torn up tail.
The teen raised his eyebrow gulped then tried reaching his soft hand out to rub his head.
The animatronic growled as the teen tried to rub his head but then leaned his head closer against the teens soft hand.
Jeremy was shocked and blinked a few times then rubbed the animatronics head stroking his fur up and down making his tail wag.
The teen then chuckled adoring the animatronics behavior.
"Hehe, y-you seem different t-then the others, M-Mikey..." Jeremy spoke as he read the collar on the fox's neck. .
Mikey then got up and backed out from under the desk, Jeremy did as well and sat back on his chair, the silver fox was walking on its two legs around the desk then sat down next to Jeremy's chair placing its head on his lap. Jeremy smiled again rubbing his hand on the animatronics head.
The teen was to distracted he didn't notice the music box needed to be wound up. The puppets crawled out from its box and was coming for the night guard.
Jeremy heard the music play quickly then looked at the music box, he forgot to wound it up. He panicked then quickly grabbed the box wounding it up, it was to late the Puppet was coming down the hallway toward the office.
Jeremy let out a tiny scream and covered his face.
He then heard a clank, he put his hands down then saw the animatronic fox was in front of his desk holding the Puppet by its neck.
He was growling making the puppet seemed scared. Mikey then threw the Puppet in the hallway.
Jeremy was shocked, Mikey then turned around toward the teen with the same sinister black eyes and white pupils but a warm and safe feeling that kept Jeremy feel okay.
"T-thanks!" The teen spoke as the animatronic walked back around the desk toward the teen sitting down.
Jeremy then had an idea, he grabbed the flashlight then waved it left and right in front of Mikey.
His eyes followed the movement of the flashlight in the teens hand starting to wag his tail again. Jeremy chuckled then threw it in the hallway, Mikey rushed toward the flashlight that was thrown and retrieved it bringing it back to the teen in his jaw.
Jeremy chuckled then took the flashlight from the animatronics jaw and threw it again. Mikey did the same thing as before and chased after it, bringing it back.
"Hehe G-Good boy!"
After about ten times Jeremy stopped and decided to lean against the wall on the floor and  Mikey laying down next to him with his head laying on the teens lap.
Jeremy rubbed the animatronics shoulder and his head smiling then looked at his watch seeing the time was 5:58 AM.
"I-I have to go M-Mikey" Jeremy announced. The animatronic jerked his head up perking his ears down letting out a whimpering noise.
"Awe d-don't worry I-I'll be back t-tomorrow night" the teen assured the whimpering fox. Mikey nudged his nuzzle against the teens chest again listening to the teens soothing heartbeat. Jeremy wrapped his arms around Mikey's head until the 6 AM bell chimed.
Jeremy rubbed his head one more time then got up and walked the animatronic back to the stage.
"B-Bye Mikey!" Jeremy waved as he started to leave the building.

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