Night Light...[Chapter 17]

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WARNING! This might contain some triggers! You have been warned

Weeks passed since that happened, Jeremy kept more of an eye on his coworker feeling concerned for him. The teen had to work alone at the night shift but it wasn't to bad, just really quiet. Jeremy would sometimes visit Mike on his day shift to give him some lunch or something, even Fritz.
But every time the teen was home on the couch in Mikes apartment it was always so quiet, every time his coworker came home Jeremy had to leave so they never really had the chance to ever talk. Until one day, on a Saturday night Mike was on his date with Doll, Jeremy was on the couch waiting for his coworker to arrive.
A huge knock came from the door. It made Jeremy let out a gasp, he then walked over to open it assuming it was Mike.
"Welcome home Mi-" Jeremy cut himself off when he looked up to see a tall broad shouldered man with a sharp glare at the teen, none other then his dad. Jeremy grew pale starting to quiver.
"Well well well, I've been looking for you ass boy... You think you can just bring any guy over to protect your sorry ass and get away with it?!" He spoke with the smell of beer in his breath. "I-I'm sorry I-" Jeremy was cut off by his dad slapping his face sending him collapsing to the floor letting out a yelp. His father stepped walking over toward the teen.
"You belong to ME boy... I have legal custody over your ass!" Mr. Fritzgarald shouted toward his son.
"N-no p-please j-just l-leave me a-alone!" Jeremy cried. His dad then kicked the teen shutting him up.
"Come on your ass is coming with me!" He shouted grabbing the back of Jeremy collar standing him up.
"N-No! L-let me go-"
"You say another word and I'll break your fucking neck!" His dad exclaimed as he opened the door jerking his head back toward the whimpering teen.
Jeremy's dad then pulled his son out of the apartment slamming the door behind him and walking him to the car.
He threw Jeremy into the passenger seat and slammed the door then got on the other side starting up the car.
"Next time you EVER get the nerve to do that shit I'll make sure your ass will get a lesson you'll remember, Understand?!" He asked harshly as he started driving. Jeremy nodded quickly in response. Jeremy looked through the window and saw as they left the area and on their way to hell again. Out of all things, why does he have to have legal custody over the teen?
Jeremy then felt a vibration from his phone and flipped it open. He saw that Mike had sent him a text.
Mike😅:Hey Jere, so I just got done with my date and I have left overs, so yea I'll be home in a few
Jeremy sighed and decided to text him back since he didn't want Mike coming home and he wasn't there.
Uh thanks but I won't be home when you get there
Not a moment later and Mike texted back.
Why not?
Jeremy looked over toward his dad who was hiccuping and chugging down a beer from the cup holder. The teen then looked back down toward his phone.
I need to go somewhere, that's all
The teen gulped hoping Mike wouldn't ask and just go with it but he knew that wasn't the case.
Jeremy that's bullshit tell me the truth
And there it is. It took a second to type but finally finished.
Fine, so my dad has legal custody over me and he picked me up, I didn't ask him to! That's the last thing I'd ever do! He just found out where I was and picked me up... I'm sorry but I have no choice, but please what ever you do DONT COME OVER! I know you can beat his butt but I don't want the same thing happening last time, please, just pretend you never knew me and everything will be fine! I'll be fine okay? I promise u!
Jeremy then bumped into the window from the impact of his dad stopping the car in the driveway." Okay get the fuck out" Ordered Jeremy's father. The teen did as he was told and exited the car waiting for another command.
"Get in the fucking house and get your ass up stairs and out of the way" he ordered again pushing Jeremy toward the door.
Jeremy entered the house and walked up stairs. The smell of beer and cigars didn't surprise Jeremy at all. He opened the door and shut it softly behind him sitting on the same mattress that he used to sleep on. It was even more uncomfortable then before. He laid down curling himself staring toward the wall until he heard a vibration and took out his phone flipping it open.
Jeremy you fucking promised you wouldn't leave!!! What kind of fucking promise is that if you aren't going to keep it!
The teen then felt a wave of guilt in his stomach then replied back.
Don't worry! I'm fine! If I need you all make sure to call you okay? I will keep my promise, I'm still here! Your still talking to me, what's the difference?
Jeremy I don't want you living in that hell hole! You shouldn't have to be there to do something you don't want to do!
Look I'll be fine! If I need you I'll call you

Deep inside, the teen really did need him, he just didn't know how to tell him. Jeremy waited for a response but didn't get anything. He sighed then shut his phone and placed it down next to him. He then tugged the blanket over him and curled up. It wast very cold in the room, Jeremy could only hear the crickets from the outside and his own heartbeat. He remembers how his mother used to hug him while he laid in her warm and comfortable arms while she hummed him to sleep and rocking back and forth.
He sighed as he was face to face with the wall and the light of the moon gleam through his window. Jeremy then began to hum to himself but that didn't really work. He started to flicker his eyes shut until he heard his father cuss at the tv from downstairs then rolled his eyes. He then began to zone out in his own little world again.
Jeremy slowly shut his eyes still feeling cold, but he couldn't help but still remember the warm arms that had wrapped around him even though they weren't there, he still imagined it.

The night light from the moon is what kept Jeremy feeling the bitterness of his sorrow. But at the same time he knew that things were going to get better...

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