Now We're Even [Chapter 12]

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Mike had his elbow against the older males neck starting to punch the man.
"Don't... EVER LAY ANOTHER FUCKING HAND ON HIM!" Mike shouted in the mans face as he gave him a black eye and a big bruise on his face. Jeremy struggles to get up then spoke weakly," N-no! M-Mike s-stop! P-Please-" Jeremy was cut off by Mike jerking his head toward him with his black, midnight eyes and crystal clear white pupils.
Before Mike could finish his sentence Jeremy's dad pushed Mike up against the wall breaking photos that hanged on the wall. Jeremy's dad kept Mike tightly against the wall then pulled his fist back ready to punch Mikes face to a pulp. Jeremy reacted quickly using all the energy in his body to hold his dad back.
"S-STOP! D-Dad please-" Jeremy was cut off by his dad elbowing his chin kicking him away then turned his attention toward Mike who was struggling out of the older adults grip.
Jeremy collapsed to the floor with blood dripping from his head.
Mike opened his right eye and looked at Jeremy who was on the floor then regained his strength and kneed where the sun don't shine at the older adult sending him back on his knees in pain. Mike then walked over with blood on his knuckles and swung his fist back. Jeremy's dad looked up toward Mike still in pain after being kneed. Mike then swung his fist at the older male knocking his lights out. The older male fell to the floor knocked out. Mike breathes heavily with blood dripping from his knuckles. He then heard whimpering and turned toward the helpless teen on the floor and rushed toward him kneeling down with his eyes lightening up and his icy blue eyes appearing again.
"Jeremy! Oh god Jeremy...!" Mike exclaimed putting his hand under the teens head feeling something wet drip to his hand. Jeremy kept whimpering with tears streaming down his face mixing with the dry blood smeared on his cheek. Mike then picked up the teen and picked up his bag of his new shirts that were on the floor, leaving Jeremy's dad knocked out on the ground. Before he exited the house carrying the teen he looked back at the knocked out adult then flipped him off. He slammed the door then walked over to his truck. He placed Jeremy gently in the back seat laying him down then got into the drivers seat starting the car. He saw his knuckles covered in dry blood then looked back at the teen letting out a sigh seeing the bruise on his cheek more clear and dry blood from his head and lip along with that old cut he saw a few days ago. Mike turned his attention toward the road then began driving back to his place.
Hours passed turning into 3 PM. Jeremy opened his eyes slowly feeling something soft under his head. His vision was blurry, Jeremy couldn't tell weather he was on the mattress at his dad's house or, somewhere else. His vision finally cleared up then sat up.
"Owe!" Jeremy groaned shutting his eyes in pain putting his hand to his temple feeling his hair and something else wrapped around his head. He opened his eyes then pulled his hand down seeing very dry blood, what happened? Jeremy felt what was beneath him then saw he was on a dark red couch with a navy blue blanket covering him. Where was he? He then heard footsteps come into the room and saw Mike.
"Good your awake" he said as he stepped into the room wearing a light blue tang-top, jeans and a beanie, as usual." H-huh? W-What happened? W-where am I?" Jeremy asked." Your at my apartment dumb ass, and I saved your ass from getting beat to death so your welcome" Mike said crossing his arms. Jeremy looked down." W-well Y-you chose to f-follow me... I-I didn't ask f-for this to happen..." Jeremy said still looking down holding his own hands." I think you meant to say, Thank you" Mike corrected the teen. Jeremy rolled his eyes then mumbled,"T-thanks...".
Mike then walked over to the kitchen grabbing soda from the fridge.
"W-what exactly happened?" Jeremy asked lifting his head up." Well you had to go home so I followed you cause something seemed suspicious, when I did I barged in the room to your dad beating you, with your head bleeding from a broken bottle of some shit he threw at you. Then I fought that fucker knocking his ass out" Mike answered kicking the fridge shut and walking over to the other couch lifting his feet on the coffee table.
"W-Wait... S-so my dad is still at the h-house?!" Jeremy exclaimed starting to get worried with sweat running down the side of his face." Don't get your head in a bunch, I knocked his ass out pretty good, he shouldn't remember what happened" Mike assured the teen taking a sip of his coke." A-are you sure?" Jeremy asked again twiddling with his fingers." Yes Jeremy God, stop worrying so fucking much" Mike said rolling his eyes on an annoyed tone." H-hey...! Y-you try dealing w-with an abusive f-father a-almost all your life a-and your dead mother w-who went through c-cancer and isn't there t-to protect you!" Jeremy protested raising his voice then covering his mouth thinking about what he just said." What was that last part?" Mike asked putting his soda down on to the coffee table keeping his eyes on the teen. Jeremy shook his head still keeping his hands on his mouth.
"Jeremy!" Mike said with a serious expression and tone in his voice.
Jeremy placed his hands down slowly on his lap looking down." A-A few days a-after I started working at t-the Pizzeria... M-My mom wasn't home from w-work yet a-and so I-i called her phone and s-she never answered... I-I had thought she was working late u-until I got a-a call saying how s-she started coughing blood and... A-and she was at the hospital g-going through Lung c-cancer..." Jeremy explained chocking up his tears.
"S-she died a-about a f-few weeks ago... W-when I came to visit her s-she wasn't in her room... A-and... All that w-was left was a l-letter saying g-goodbye..." Jeremy spoke again.
Mike sighed before he spoke with a warm look in his eyes." Sorry to hear kid" he responded.
"I-it's not your fault... Y-you didn't even k-know..." Jeremy assured his coworker.
Mike sighed," Damn... You've gone through a lot" Mike said grabbing his soda taking another sip.
"M-Mike?" Jeremy asked looking at his coworker." Hm?" Mike responded taking a sip.
"W-What's the worst t-tragedy that c-changed your life...?" Jeremy finally asked. Mikes eyes kind of widened in shock then put his soda back on the coffee table starting to sweat a little.
"You really wanna know?" Mike asked looking up at the teen. Jeremy nodded slowly also looking at his coworker. Mike let out a sigh closing his eyes then reaching his hand over toward his beanie. Jeremy watched as Mike slowly took off his beanie. When he did he revealed scars across his head, Mike opened his eyes slowly looking down holding his red beanie. Jeremy was kind of shocked, when did he have stitches?
"This is the tragedy that changed my life Jeremy..." Mike spoke clutching his grip onto his beanie.
"M-Mike... W-what happened to you? W-when did you have s-stitches?" Jeremy asked with sympathy in his voice reaching out toward Mikes head slowly. The older male quickly reacted smacking Jeremy's hand away. The teen flinched stepping back holding his hand looking down.
"Look don't tell anyone and I mean anyone about this shit... When I was... Younger about, fuck I don't know... I went to Freddy Fazfucks for my 6th birthday, I was bitten right in my fucking frontal lobe... From then on it was hell, so I get it... Going through pain everyday just for your appearance or whatever the fuck. I had no one to cry to when people made fun of me, so... One day I snapped, and showed everyone who was boss, I became a bully when I was in fifth grade all the way to collage, Im still am a bully to this day..." Mike explained starting to get furious talking about the situation.
Jeremy got up and sat next to him and slowly reached over and rubbed his back comfortingly. Mike twitched a little but eased his anger.
"That's why I hate the fucking world... All there are is judgmental ass fuckers who will find any reason to mess with you... Everyone I've met has just been huge ass holes to me!" Mike exclaimed.
"W-was I one of them...?" Jeremy asked.
"Was I one of them...?"
Mike looked at the teen, their eyes meeting. Mike then looked away toward his hands gripped onto his beanie." No... Not at all... Your the only one who put up with my dumb ass-" he was cut off with a tiny finger against his mouth shushing him.
"Shh, Your n-not dumb..." Jeremy replied with tenderness in his voice and expression. Mike grabbed Jeremy's wrist putting his hand away from his mouth.
"Whatever, so if you don't mind me asking, what was your childhood like?" Mike asked the teen as he put his beanie back on his head. Jeremy pulled his hand away then looked down." W-well. For a while w-we were living w-with my dad happy until. U-until he started d-drinking a-and Im sure you know where I-I'm going with this. S-so we moved out. A-and I grew up from there. Basically it was hell from when I-I was born to when I-I was fourteen. R-reason I say that is cause I-i was bullied since f-fifth grade all the way t-to ninth, b-but I can't complain. C-cause I had my mom..." Jeremy explained.
"Yea I can relate to that... Well I never knew my old man, and my mom didn't really care, so basically all I had was myself" Mike spoke. Jeremy nodded then replied," Well... T-That's all in t-the past now r-right?".
Mike nodded," Yea..."
In the past...

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