Bloody Tears [Chapter 22]

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Warning! This has some gore! You have been warned! Oh and sorry if I haven't been updating lately, I've been busy with a thing called... Life XD
A few months passed and the same routine happened everyday with nothing really new happening until today.
Jeremy was at work on a Wednesday night bored as hell. He hated the silence, always had, he usually called Mike or he called him to check up on the teen but overall, it was still lonely and, unnatural.
A ring then occurred from the teens phone and he quickly answered it.
"H-Hello?" Jeremy answered.
"Ay Jere" Mike answered through the phone. Jeremy closed his eyes with a smile appearing on his face then opened them back up with blush appearing on his cheeks.
"H-Hehe hey mike, w-what's up? Lemme guess, j-just checking up on me again?" Jeremy chuckled.
"Uh no actually, I need your opinion" Mike responded. Jeremy's expression then began to change and answered.
"B-Bout what?" He asked." Well... Heh I've been dating Doll for about a year and I want to take this to the next level" Mike spoke. Jeremy's heart began to pump faster and faster by the second then gulped.
"W-What do you mean by... N-next level?" Jeremy asked with his voice cracking a bit.
"I mean, I wanna marry her..." Mike spoke.
Jeremy's heart split once he heard the word marry.
His eyes widened and froze.
"Jeremy? Hello? Are you dead or something?" Mike asked on the other line.
Jeremy blinked choking back the tears arising in his throat." S-sorry sorry... Just... Heh w-wow! G-good for you Mike! I-I'm happy for you!" Jeremy spoke in an enthusiastic tone trying to smile without bursting into tears.
"Heh, thanks. I luckily raised enough cash to afford it... Anyways what kind of ring you think she would like? Green Emerald or Diamond" He asked.
"I-I'm not sure... M-maybe the Emerald one! I-It seems out of the o-ordinary and a n-nice color, j-just my opinion, I-I would like it if I were to choose..." Jeremy suggested trying swallowing down his wave of tears waiting to fall from his eyes.
"Hm, yea maybe your right, it's cheaper anyways, thanks Jere, see ya in the AM" Mike said before hanging up.
"Y-yea... B-bye Mike..." Jeremy spoke in a low tone hanging up. The moment the phone was silent Jeremy stared out through the dark hallway with the word "Marry" repeat in his head.
He then felt something wet drip from his soft cheek. The teen finally let it all out and looked down toward his lap starting to sob. He couldn't believe that the person who he admired and cared for was now planning on asking his girlfriend to marry him, he not only liked his coworker, but loved him. With all his heart could ask for.
Jeremy wanted to tell his coworker how he really felt but now it was to late, he waited to long and now there was no way to tell him now. He covered his eyes feeling his hand start to get wet from all the tears he was shedding from his eyes.
The teen was so caught up in the situation he didn't even notice the mangled fox coming in the hallway.
Jeremy just kept sobbing into his hand with some tears dripping on his lap and the floor while mangle got closer and closer from the ceiling until it finally reached the office. Jeremy heard some sounds but completely ignored the fact that the fox opened its large jaw revealing its razor sharp teeth with its other endoskeleton making the loud static radio sound.
The teen lifted his head and saw he was face to face with the mangled Fox and screamed falling back from his chair onto the floor dropping the flashlight, backing up toward the wall scared for his life with a few tears still in his eyes.
The fox leaned closer toward the teen with its sinister black eyes staring right through the teens soul.
Jeremy panted as he felt he was against the wall and the animatronic getting closer.
He felt the flashlight under his hand then gasped.
The teen thought quick and grabbed the flashlight swinging it at the Mangled fox. Luckily he smacked it hard enough to give himself enough time to escape. He got up running from the office through the dark hallway. He looked back to see the mangled Fox coming for him by crawling on the ceiling with its white pupils glowing through the dark. Jeremy panted turning back around but bumped into something falling to the floor. He rubbed his head and looked up seeing the Toy Freddy stand over him.
"Y-Your not f-f-following the R-R-R-rules" he spoke in his glitches voice and his eyes midnight black with white pupils.
Jeremy's eyes widened then felt something grab his arm tightly and jerked his head around to see mangle right behind him holding his arm seeing a few of its teeth gone and its left ear gone from when he hit its head trying to get away.
Jeremy screamed then jerked his arm away from Mangles grasp and got up trying to get passed Toy Freddy. The bear animatronic reached his large metal hand toward the teen but Jeremy moved away running passed him. He ran and ran with his heart beating faster then ever before, panting in fear and from running.
He saw the exit and was so close until he felt a tug from the collar of his shirt and was pulled back falling to the floor. He yelled in pain then looked up seeing the chicken and bunny standing over him with the same eyes as Toy Freddy and the mangled fox.
Jeremy was scared, he was pale, sweaty, had goosebumps, you name it.
The two then grabbed Jeremy's arms and dragged him toward the back room.
"N-NO!! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!!! HELP ME!!! I DON'T W-WANNA DIE!!!" Jeremy screamed with tears running down his cheeks seeing the exit get farther and farther away from him as he was being dragged by the two animatronics.
He tried squirming but that only made them grip harder onto his arm.
Jeremy panted scared of what to expect, only thing that can save him is the chime of 6 AM.
He then saw he had been dragged in a room and the door slammed shut. The teen looked around seeing a bunch of Freddy heads then slammed onto a table by the bunny and chicken. They still had a grip onto the teens arms holding him down. Jeremy looked toward the two animatronics then heard clanking come toward the room. The teens eyes widened as he saw Toy Freddy enter the room with a deep laugh.
Jeremy screamed trying to pull his arm away from Chica's grasp but it was all in vain. They just held him tighter slamming him onto the table again. Freddy grabbed what seemed like an endoskeleton from the corner.
Jeremy's eyes widened in fear shaking, they were going to stuff him on a suit. The two animatronics lifted the teen up still holding the teens arms then Freddy came over and strapped the endoskeletons arm onto Jeremy's arm.
Jeremy panted as he felt the metal start wrapping around his arms. Freddy then tightened the part around Jeremy's left arm until a snap was heard.
Jeremy gasped and felt a large wave of pain crush his left arm. He screamed in pain with tears rushing down his face, the pain was unbearable, he could hear his bone cracking and his flesh being squished through the metal. He looked up and saw a little blood smeared on the animatronics face, then Toy Freddy started to attach Jeremy's other arm in the endoskeleton until a bell chimed and they completely froze.
Jeremy was still crying in pain, shaking and having blood from his arms spilling onto the floor making a dripping sound. The animatronics blinked their eyes, turning back to their original color then walked back to the stage shutting the door behind them, leaving Jeremy.
The teen panted as he still felt the pain rush through his body then heard the doors open from the front.
Jeremy was weak and drained but spoke.
"H-Help...! H-Help me...!" The teen cried softly trying to reach his left hand toward the door but when he did he heard a cracking sound and then shouted in pain knowing that it was his bone digging deeper into the metal.
The door then creaked open, a man with gingered colored messy hair, freckles and glasses entered the room.
"Hello- OH MY GOD!" Fritz exclaimed as he saw Jeremy's body on the table with the endoskeleton attached to his bloody and crushed arm then rushed toward him.
He covered his mouth trying not to throw up at the gruesome scene. He shook his head then rushed to help his friend get out of the endoskeleton.
He saw his fingertips get stained with blood the moment he tried to break Jeremy's arm free. Fritz knew this wasn't going to work and then called the police.
"Don't worry Jeremy, Y-your gonna be okay! The ambulance are coming!" Fritz tried assuring the shaken up and hurt teen.
"P-Please... H-hurry..." Jeremy spoke in an exhausted and shaken tone as he started to blur everything out.
All that was heard were other voices and sirens.

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