Morning Routine[Chapter 25]

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Don't judge meh I fucking love Secondhand Serenade 😍 I thought this song would fit perfect with the situation anyways, LETS GET TO THE CHAPTER SHALL WE!
A few weeks passed since that event happened, things seemed to be a little more, different between the two, but overall things seemed normal.
//Mikes P.O.V//
Me and Jere were sitting on the couch, kid forced me to watch this, anime shit, Sailor Moon or whatever. It's so fucking cringe it hurts. Eh, I guess if the kid stops whining about it, I'm fine with it I guess.
About an hour later the show finally fucking ended... THANK GOD!
I looked over and the kid was cheering and shit to the end credits. He then yawned and stretched his arms.
"Okay bed time Kid" I spoke reaching over to pick him up but he started moving his hands up and down whining.
"Nuuuuu! I don't w-wanna" he moaned falling off the couch.
I just laughed, this kid was so fucking crazy. I was able to bring him back up on the couch and throw him over my shoulder since he was that light. He just kept whining and I kept giggling. Finally I entered my room then threw him down in the bed.
"Oof! Y-Your meaaaaan!" He moaned rolling over with his face against the blankets and his back faced toward me.
I crossed my arms with a grin on my face then flopped on the bed next to him looking up at the ceiling.
Then I felt little hands wrap around my waist then narrowed my eyes down seeing Jeremy asleep curled up with his hands wrapped around me. I felt a little heat rush through my face then smiled wrapping my arm around him bringing him closer.
As I was just relaxing with Jeremy clung onto me, I thought... I'm in love with two people, Doll and this dork... Shit, I really didn't think this through... If I tell Jeremy I'm still with doll he'll... He'll be heartbroken, I hate seeing the kid cry, the last thing I want for him is to be hurt.
I've known Doll for God knows how long and she's treated me like... Like I mean something. Jeremy on the other hand he's... He's changed me, he actually treats me like person and didn't, hell never ever gave up on me. I really fucked up this time haven't I...
Mike laid there for what seemed like hours until he finally fell asleep around 1 in the morning.
Jeremy later woke up from the sun shining through the curtains then felt something warm on his back so he turned around and saw he was nose to nose with Mike. Jeremy let out a tiny gasp then smiled and curled closer with a flush of red on his face. Mike then slowly opened his icy blue gaze and smiled at teen.
"Morning dork..." Mike smiled.
"Hehe h-hi" Jeremy giggled in response.
Mike leaned his head and pressed his lips against the teens fluffy hair. Jeremy was under mikes head blushing wrapping her arms around Mikes torso.
"Your so fluffy" Mike commented as his face was still in Jeremy's hair. The teen giggled then pulled his hand down placing his tiny little palm on mikes chest feeling his heart beat.
"Y-Your so warm a-and cozy" Jeremy spoke softly. Mike then stroked his hand through the teens hair down his back pulling him closer. Mike giggled at the teens comment then looked down toward his face and cupped his hand against his cheek.
Jeremy looked up into Mikes Icy gaze with his face glowing red then smiled.



"I-I... I-"

"I love you too Jere..."

Jeremy widened his eyes then smiled again digging his face onto Mikes chest giggling.
"What? What's so funny?" Mike asked with a grin on his face, ruffling Jeremy's hair.
"Hehehe hehe n-Nothing nothing" Jeremy chuckled.
"Come on tell me" Mike spoke starting to tickle Jeremy under his armpit. The teen started bursting out laughing begging for mercy.
Mike grinned pulling his hands away crossing his arms sitting up.
"Heh heh... Y-You, your funny" Jeremy smiled looking up at the older male.
"What's so funny about me?" Mike asked.
"Hehe Everything y-you dumb dumb!" Jeremy exclaimed sitting up wrapping his arms around Mike.
The older male smiled then wrapped his arm around the teen.
"Okay okay that's enough" Mike spoke ruffling Jeremy's hair getting up from the bed stretching his arms then walked into the living room with Jeremy following behind him toward the kitchen to make some breakfast. He bent down to grab the frying pan then sat up turning around only to see Mike face to face with him then gasped.
"Ya know you don't always have to cook Jere, lets just go out to eat" Mike recommended grabbing the pan from Jeremy's hands. He nodded then smiled.
"Okay, come on let's get dressed" Mike said putting the pain away lazily and walking over to his room.
Jeremy quickly followed after walking to the guest room to grab a new shirt and pants. He grabbed one of his sailor moon shirts and some jeans along with a little grey beanie. The teen then walked into the bathroom grabbing his green toothbrush putting the toothpaste on and began to circle the toothbrush against his teeth. Not a moment later Mike entered the bathroom with some shaving cream and a razor.
Jeremy raised his eyebrow continuing to brush his teeth then felt a tiny shove hitting the wall seeing Mike start to put shaving cream on his face grabbing the razor starting to shave his face. Jeremy glared at him with his toothbrush in his mouth then shoved Mike over brushing his teeth again. Mike let out a groan then shoved Jeremy against the wall continuing to shave.
Jeremy moaned then shoved Mike again with a frustrated look on his face as he looked in the messy Mirror then felt a shove again.
"M-Mike I was here first!" Jeremy whined with his toothbrush still in his mouth then felt Mikes arms wrap around his neck pulling over beside him.
"Don't talk with your mouth full Jere" Mike spoke casually knowing he won the little argument between who gets the mirror.
Jeremy whined trying to get out of Mikes elbow lock but ended up all for nothing.
The teen groaned continuing to brush his teeth with Mikes elbow still around his neck.
"Oh come on you know you love me" Mike grinned.
Jeremy rolled his eyes then elbowed Mike in the torso making him grunt in pain.
The teen grinned raising his eyebrow in approval.
"Yes... Y-Yes I do"

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