Rest In Peace [Chapter 18]

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The next morning Jeremy opened his eyes with blurry vision. He blinked a few times regaining his sight and thought he was his coworkers couch but then realized he wasn't and let out a sigh. Jeremy then looked over toward his phone and saw he had a message then flipped it open.
6:32 AM
Hey, you okay?
Jeremy couldn't help but smile knowing that his friend was concerned for him then texted back right away.
Yea I'm fine, sorry I just woke up. Thank you for asking.
The teen waited for a response then finally saw a text appear on the screen.
Np, text me or call if shit comes up
He then closed his phone and decided to go and get ready for the day. When he did he was surprised to not get yelled at from his father, Jeremy shrugged then walked back to his room after brushing his teeth, hair and changing for the day.
A couple hours passed, Jeremy was looking at his Manga's he still had at his dad's house then started getting a bad feeling run up his spine. He couldn't help it, he placed his manga down and opened his door slowly walking downstairs. He looked over and saw his dad on the couch with his hand hanging over with an empty bottle on the floor with a little of the beer still left inside spilling on the floor, strange how he wasn't snoring. Jeremy stepped closer then saw a fly land on his fathers cheek. He didn't even flinch or make any sudden movement.
Oh no. Jeremy's eyes widened then shoos the fly away then put his soft hand on his fathers shoulder.
"D-Dad...? A-are you o-okay...? Dad?"
There was no movement, not even a single twitch. Jeremy's eyes widened then flipped his fathers wrist around and placed his two fingers against his skin. There was no pulse.
Jeremy's heart skipped a beat then placed his fathers hand down on his waist and stepped back covering his mouth letting out a gasp but not shedding a tear. He had no sympathy, just shock that a man was on the couch, dead for god knows how long. Jeremy waisted no time and rushed upstairs to dial 911.
They later arrived and took his fathers dead body to the hospital for investigation leaving Jeremy alone in the home. He sat in his room processing what had happened, remembering what he told the investigators about his dad.
Jeremy let out a sigh then pulled out his phone. He hesitated but finally dialed his coworkers number.
"H-hey Mike I-it's Jeremy..." The teen responded.
"Oh hey Jere, what's up, something going on?" He asked.
"N-no..." Jeremy said in a low tone.
"You sound upset, the hell is going on" Mike asked again.
"M-my dad just died... I went D-downstairs and h-he was dead on the couch... I-I felt his pulse and e-everything..." Jeremy finally spoke having no emotion what so ever.
"Oh... Oh well sorry to hear Jere, how do you feel about it" Mike asked in a calm tone.
Jeremy shrugged to himself.
"I don't r-really care I-if you want to know the t-truth... H-he would of n-never cared if I was D-dead so why should I?" Jeremy stated.
"Uh yea... You want me to come over?" Mike asked the teen.
"S-Sure, if you want" The teen replied.
"Okay, I'll be over inna few" Mike said before hanging up.
Jeremy closed up his phone then just sat on his mattress thinking. About ten minuets passed until he heard a knock from downstairs then got up and walked downstairs. The teen turned the nob opening the door looking up to see Mike stand in front of him.
"Ay kid" Mike greeted with his hands in his pockets.
"H-hi, c-care to come in?" Jeremy asked.
"Well duh what else would I be here for" Mike said as he walked inside.
Jeremy rolled his eyes then shut the door. Mike didn't even bother sitting on the couch because of the strong smell of Beer and smoke ashes then covered his nose.
"How can you live like this Jeremy?" Mike groaned.
Jeremy shrugged walking beside his coworker looking down.
"I don't even want to imagine what your room looks like" the older male spoke starting to walk up the stairs with Jeremy following after him.
When Mike opened the door, his room was dark with only the sunlight peering through the gaps of the curtains covering his window and a few Manga's on the floor along with a mattress in the corner.
"You sleep in that piece of shit excuse for a mattress?" Mike asked raising his eyebrow walking over toward the mattress.
"W-well yea, m-my dad never r-really gotten me a p-proper bed... S-so I have a m-mattress instead..." Jeremy spoke still standing by the door.
"No wonder you squirm around all the time" Mike mumbled to himself then turned toward the teen.
"Are you planning on staying here?" He asked.
Jeremy shook his head then let out a sigh under his breath.
"You do realize your still staying at my place right?"
Jeremy looked up at his coworker.
"Jeremy come on you still got your anime t-shirts and other shit there so mine as well, and you sure as hell ain't sleeping on the streets" Mike spoke turning around toward the teens window then felt little arms wrapped around his waist.
Jeremy dug his face into mikes shirt as he hugged him tightly.
"Uh kid? Why are you hugging me?" Mike asked turning his head down toward the teen.
"Cause... I-I can..." Jeremy muffled as his face was still in his shirt.
The familiar smell of his shirt made Jeremy feel safe again. He could feel his warm body and eased his shoulders, Jeremy could literally fall asleep if he wanted to. Moments which felt like hours passed.
"You done yet?" Mike asked turning around, looking down at the teen.
Jeremy let go rubbing the back of his neck." Hehe y-yea s-sorry to much i-in the moment..." Jeremy said letting out a nervous smile.
Mike also let out a warm smile toward the teen making him almost flush a light pink on his cheeks then ruffled his hair. Seeing Jeremy smile was all Mike wanted to see.
"Well let's get packing, we don't have all day" Mike said as he walked over toward the unpacked boxes.
"O-Oh okay!" Jeremy said walking after him.
"How come you haven't unboxed these?" Mike asked grabbing one of the boxes and looked toward the teen who was also grabbing one of the boxes.
"I-I didn't have anywhere to put a-anything..." Jeremy spoke starting to walk the door turning back around seeing his coworker follow after him.
"Ah I see, well come on, I'll take you to get something to eat after"
"O-okay, thanks M-Mike I o-owe you so m-much..." Jeremy thanked.
"Sure thing..."
After they got done packing Jeremy's things into Mikes car they head off to a local cafe' near Town center.
While they were driving, Jeremy noticed a picture in the visor then reached up and grabbed it.
He saw the date on the back saying "1992 Championship Title"
He flipped it over and saw Mike, he looked really young, like eleven or something, he was shirtless, wearing shorts a beanie and, boxing gloves, in a boxing ring?
He turned toward Mike then decided to ask.
"H-hey Mike?"
"Hm?" He responded still focused on road.
"W-were you i-in boxing?" Jeremy finally asked.
Mikes eyes kind of widened in shock." Why you ask?"
"I-I found t-this picture i-in the visor" Jeremy said as he pulled up the picture.
Mike quickly grabbed it stopping the car at the stop light then looked down at the picture then crumbled it up in his grasp.
"W-why did you-"
"Some memories are better off forgotten Jeremy" Mike spoke as he focused back on the road starting to drive again.
Jeremy turned back around toward the window as they passed other cars and buildings and started to fall asleep.
He was awoken by someone rubbing his shoulder.
"Jere come on we're here" Mike announced as he was in front of the teen waking him up.
"Huh...? O-oh yea hehe" Jeremy giggled as he exited from the car entering the cafe' with his coworker.
They both sat down and ordered their food, Jeremy got a waffle with some sirup and a strawberry on top along with lemonade.
Mike on the other hand just got some bacon and orange juice with a plane bagel on the side.
The teen was almost done with his food then accidentally let out a burp. His eyes widened and covered his mouth in embarrassment. Mike snickered at the teen then burped out
loud himself.
Jeremy chuckled then laughed, his coworker did as well not even paying attention to some people staring at them.
After they both stopped laughing Jeremy noticed Mike had a little orange juice on his face then grabbed a napkin from the table and reached over to wipe it off.
"What are you-"
"Y-you got s-something on y-your face" Jeremy spoke as he wiped it off having a little blush appear on his face.
Mike also seemed to have had a little blush appear on his face. The teen then leaned back in his chair letting out a smile of satisfaction.
"Better?" Mike asked raising his eyebrow.
Jeremy nodded.
Your welcome world 😆 I had fun making this chapter, well mostly toward the ending

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