Chapter 63

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Chapter 63

I looked at the kid in front of me. He was lying on the bed, asleep. He was skinny, way too skinny. He looked different. He didn't look like a normal child.

"Why is he here?" I asked Kamal. I always thought that Kamal didn't have siblings.I think he once told me he was only child, but I can't remember well. Saliva was coming out of the kid's mouth and Kamal went and cleaned it.

"My brother is not like normal children" he said, holding the boy's hand. I went over and sat down next to him with Karim on my lap. Karim was almost asleep, so I put him on the couch that was in the corner and went back and sat next to Kamal. There was a long silence which wasn't awkward. A lot of questions were running through my mind but I wasn't asking them.

"How old is he?" I asked after a while, not taking it anymore.

"His body is eleven. His mind is four" he said in a quiet voice. So this boy was disaled or something. I instantly felt bad for the poor guy. I put my arms around Kamal's arm and put my forehead against his shoulder.

"Why is he here though?" I asked him. He sighed before replying.

"Because there is nowhere else he could go to. My parents don't accept him" he said which made me lift my head up and look at him. He looked so pale and was only looking at the kid.

"Why?" I asked him, thinking of how it didn't make sense.

"My brother is not the son of my mother. My father cheated on her with her best friend. He was the result of that. Neither his mother nor my father took responsibility. My parents didn't divorce and my mum didn't want my brother in the house. Actually, my dad also didn't want to look after him, so it was left on my plate" he said, looking down. That shocked me. I was still trying to understand it, since it still didn't make sense. Kamal had been looking after a baby when he was a kid himself? And how could you as a mother leave your child? Especially a child that can't take care of themselves. I felt tears coming up to my eyes. Feeling like you are unwanted was a feeling that I knew too well.

"I don't get it. Like,if I had a disabled son, I would do anything to keep him safe since he can't do it himself. I mean, even I thought of giving Karim up for adoption but my heart couldn't do it, let alone a kid like him" I half-whispered. I actually felt bad after saying that. I didn't mean to rub it in his face.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that" I whispered while kissing his shoulder. I just felt so mad. Kamal must've been through a lot. And still he never complained about it to anyone.

"Its okay. Its the truth after all" he said back.

"Has he always lived here?" I asked him. He nodded.

"My dad still pays for it. He has been doing that since the beginning because I begged him for that. So the only reason he is being able to stay here is because my father pays the hospital a lot, and they like that" he answered. I looked at the poor kid.

"So he has been staying here for so long.. That must've been boring.." I said. Kamal turned to me with an eyebrow raised. Okay, I should choose my words right.

"What I meant is that he hasn't been in a proper family. Kamal, the kid doesn't know what the warmth of home is. He doesn't know real, homemade food. He doesn't know playing with people. The only thing he has been doing here is this. This cannot happen- its not fair" I said, raising my voice a little.

"I know, but if I took him out of here my dad said he wasn't going to pay anymore. And I need his money" he said as a response.

"He needs to get out of here.." I whispered.

"Kamal, we need to take him out of here. I will look after him, I don't mind" I said, it would've been the only way. It would be fair.

"Are you crazy?" he asked me while looking at me with annoyed eyes.

"Sometimes" I replied.

"Be serious" he said. Okay, he was really annoyed.

"Well, I just think its the only way. Kamal, he can't be in here forever. I wouldn't be able to live with that guilt" I said, letting some tears fall. Images of him being here completely alone scared me. I wouldn't want anyone to feel that way.

"I am not letting you do that. He needs 24/7 care. You want to study, become a nurse. You don't need to take such a load on your shoulders, believe me its hard" he said and I knew he was referring to me with the last part. I let go of his arm.

"I never asked you to take my load on your shoulders" I said, being hurt by what he said. I had never begged him for it. He was the one that insisted it. He put his arm around my waist and pushed me towards him.

"You know I didn't mean it like that. I just don't want you to ruin your future and your own life for someone else" he said. I folded my arms.

"I don't care. Studying is not more important than looking after a child. Kamal, do you really think that after today I can live normally in a beautiful big house while he is staying here all alone? He is your brother, so he means a lot to me. And its the only way I can pay you back for all the things you have done to me" I said with a hard voice.

"So you say I'm important to you?" he said and I looked at him as if he had grown a second head. He smirked at me but still had these hopeful eyes.

"Is that the only thing you got from what I said?" I said but didn't wait for his reply. I turned towards him and put my hands on his cheeks.

"You are important to me and you know that. You have done things, helped me the way no one ever had. You took care of me and Karim when no one else did, not even my family. So I am insisting to look after your family. Every piece of you means everything to me, including your family. Like I said, I am not someone who could live with that guilt" I said while looking him in the eyes, trying to make him believe that I meant it.


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