Chapter Eight~

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YE, so excited for this chap!


Zane's POV.

We had gotten home and discussed what Travis was talking about. He wanted to get a child as an edition to the family. I agreed completely and we decided that we would spend the next couple of weeks, maybe one or two, getting things ready. After we decided on that Travis had the idea to do.. That.. (Lemon basically.. Sorry, I am so infatuated with this fanfic I can't like, write a serious Lemon for it if that makes sense..)
We had decided to go ahead and decorate the room for the future child. We had done a lot of shopping for it. It took about two weeks but we had done it. We had an extra room across from our that we had decorated, with colors that weren't really specified for gender, mostly orange, green, yellow and black, the black was my idea. The walls were a plain white color but there was a twin sized bed in the corner with a yellow and white quilt and a black pillow. There was a small bedside table with a lamp next to the bed. There were several bookcases up on the wall and a desk underneath the window. There was an orange and green fluffy rug in the middle of the floor.
Travis and I stood at the doorway of the room, proudly looking at it. "I'd say we're about ready.." Travis said. I smiled. "Same here... Well? Shall we?" I asked. "Yes, we shalt." Travis said, chuckling slightly. We excitedly walked down the stairs and out of the house. We were going to adopt a child from the local orphanage in the city, it was going to be the best, we had everything planned out for when we brought he or she home.
I sat in the passenger side of the car, a hand placed softly over my stomach. I had woken up this morning with slight nausea. I thought it was just from excitement, so I didn't tell Travis about it.
We pulled into the parking lot of the orphanage and got out of the car.
(I don't know how adoptions work so please bear with me...)
We walked inside and talked with a Middle aged woman with brown hair pulled up in a tight bun. She glanced up at us when we approached. "How may I help you?" She asked. I glanced at Travis. "O-Oh! Yeah! Uhm we wanted to adopted a child.." Travis said. The woman nodded and stood up. "If you will please follow me, I'll show you where the children are." She said, walking into a back room, Travis and I followed her.
When we got back to the room we saw many children ranging from ages 2 to 7. "I'll give you a little bit to get to know the kids, come speak to me when you feel you've found one that you would want." She said, walking back into the lobby. Immediately as she left, kids started to swarm around us.
They all seemed so happy that we were there, all wanted to be adopted. The hard choice now was which one we were going to choose.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw a child sitting on one of the beds, not seeking to pay attention to anything. I pulled away from the others and walked over to her. It was a girl with curly auburn hair that went slightly past her shoulders. She wore a blue long sleeved shirt and black shorts. She had pale skin and hazel eyes. I walked over to her and kneeled by the bed. "Hello." I said. She looked up at me. "Um.. Hi.." She said in a small voice. "What's your name?" I asked. "M-me..?" She asked, like she was confused about it. "Yes.." I said. "I-I'm Rose.." She said. I smiled. "That's a lovely name.." I said. She smiled brightly. "How old are you?" I asked. "Six and a half." She said.
I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked up to see Travis standing there. "Hey.." I said. "Who's this?" Travis asked. "This is Rose." I said. Travis extended a hand to the little girl. "Nice to meet you." He said. Rose looked at his hand for a moment before kicking him in the knee. She jumped off the bed and ran into the far corner. Travis fell back and squeaked in pain. I couldn't help but laugh at that. "H-hey! It's not funny!" Travis said, sitting up. "It kind of is..." I said. Travis rolled his eyes. "I like her, she seems different.." I said, looking at Travis. He smiled. "Alright then... Let's go talk to the lady then.." Travis said, pulling me up.
We walked back into the lobby. "Have you made a decision?" The woman asked. I looked at Travis and he nodded. "Yes." He said. "Which one?" She asked. "Rose.." I said. "Yes, well, follow me." She said, she led us into another room. She sat down at a wide desk and motioned us to sit down in the chairs. When we did so she pulled out a few papers and handed them to us to sign.
"No I want to talk to you about Rose, she was taken away from her old family, they fought a lot and sometimes things would turn violent. Rose is a sweet and creative girl and I really want to see her go to a nice and loving family. Can you promise me that you'll take good care of her?" She asked. "We promise." Travis and I said at the same time. "Thank you, now if you could just sign these papers and I'll go tell Rose to pack her things." The woman said, standing up and leaving the room. Travis and I quickly signed the papers and waited for the to come back.
We stood up when the door opened. Rose stood there with a small purple book bag over her shoulder. She ran up and hugged us both tightly. I chuckled. "You ready to go to your new home?" I asked. She nodded her head furiously. "Remember what I told you." The woman said as we walked out of the door.
We got Rose buckled in the back seat and started to make our way back home. My nausea had gotten worse since this morning and I felt like I was actually going to throw up. Rose was sitting in the back, smiling as she looked out the window.
As we pulled into the drive way I turned to Travis. "Give me the keys.." I said, panicked. "What's wrong?" Travis asked. "I swear I'm going to throw up, give me the keys!" I exclaimed. He turned off the car and gave me the keys. I quickly ran out of the car and to the front porch, unlocking the door and dashing straight for the bathroom. As soon as I got in there I threw up in the toilet.

Travis's POV.

When Zane asked for the keys I knew something was wrong, I gave them to him and he ran inside, leaving the front door open. I quickly got out and unbuckled Rose's seat belt from the back and led her inside. I instantly heard Zane vomiting in the bathroom. I ran over to it and told Rose to wait outside of the bathroom.
"Zane! Are you ok?" I asked, walking in there and brushing some of his hair out of his face as he threw up. He stopped a few seconds after that. He breathed and panted heavily as he gagged a few times like he was going to throw up again. I grabbed some toilet paper and wiped off some of the vomit that was one his chin. I wrapped my arms around him and patted his back to call him down a little bit.. Then he threw up again.


I Can't Live Without You~ A Zanvis Fanfiction. ((Book Two))Where stories live. Discover now