Chapter Eleven~

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Aphmau's POV.

I absolutely LOVE kids! Of course I agreed to watch Zane and Travis's daughter. But why didn't they tell me they had a child, or that they had gotten engaged! In any case I couldn't wait to meet her, but it still was really early in the morning and I knew I would have to wait a few hours. I didn't mind I was just so excited!
I sat down on the couch and grabbed the TV remote. I have to admit, the fact that Travis came back to life was weird but the look on Zane's face was pure happiness which is an expression I have hardly ever seen on him. I smiled as I got a plan. Zane was sick, maybe a small engagement party with all of their friends and family might be good for him, and hopefully make him feel better! I pulled out my phone and looked through the contacts.
Maybe I might be going overboard this time.. Nah! Let's do this! I was going to send text messages to people because I know they would get angry if I woke them up at three in the morning with phone calls. I stopped typing the message that I was sending to Katelyn when I heard soft footsteps walking down the stairs. I turned my head a saw a little girl with messy curly auburn hair. This must be Rose, Oh my Irene she is adorable! She had a small stuffed lemur in her arms
She looked at me and walked up a few steps. I chuckled and realized that she had know idea who I was. "I'm not an intruder I promise." I said, putting my hands up. "W-where are..." She started to say. "Oh they had to go to the doctors so they called me to come over and watch you. I'm Aphmau, their 'Super Hot' Friend." I said, jokingly. The little girl looked at me up and down. "Ehhh.." She said. I gasped, pretending to be offended but it ended up with me giggling. "So what're you doing up so early?" I asked. She looked down. "I had a nightmare..." She muttered. I held my arms open. "Come to auntie Aphmau and she'll comfort you!" I exclaimed.
  She hesitated before walking over to the couch and climbing onto it. She leaned onto me and eventually fell asleep. I almost squealed, she was so adorable! I turned on my phone again and texted everyone about the plan.

Zane's POV.

  I was not being stubborn, I just didn't want to go to the doctors. I was tired, cranky and I just didn't feel good which was weird since I was perfectly fine yesterday evening. Gah! It's just to early for this crap, but here we were, sitting in the waiting room for the doctors. Thank god it wasn't the hospital, we had bad luck there. I had my head laid on Travis's shoulder while we waited. "Can we just go home?" I asked. "No.." He said, looking up from his phone and smiling at me. I groaned and closed my eyes. Maybe I can get a few moments of sleep because that's what I need more than anything right now.
I started to drift off to sleep. "Ro'Maeve!" Someone yelled. I snapped my head up to see a doctor standing at the door leading back to the rooms. I groaned and stood up. Travis said he would wait out here. I followed the doctor into the back and he told me to sit down in one of the rooms. I looked around and yawned. If I didn't get any sleep soon I was not going to be in a good mood.
  The doctor walked back in and sat down in a roller chair. "Well then, Mr. Ro'Maeve, we meet again." He chuckled. I looked at him and raised an eyebrow before I finally realized what he meant. He was the doctor who was at the Hospital when Travis.. Well, died.
  "How? I thought you worked at the hospital." I said. "I work here every now and then when they are in short staff, in any case what seems to be the problem?" He asked. "Nausea.. Vomiting.." I said. "That's all? Well we can do a checkup to see if we can pinpoint the problem." The doctor said. I nodded and sat back on the little bed.

  Travis's POV.

  Hopefully nothing was seriously wrong with Zane, probably not but you can't be too careful. I shifted in my seat and yawned. Hopefully it wouldn't be to long a wait. But fifteen minutes have passed and I was out cold.
I woke up after a while, I looked around and saw that maybe thirty minutes have passed. I sighed and grabbed my phone, turning it on and staring at the home screen, wondering what I should do. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard someone shout. "WHAT!?"
I instantly knew it was Zane by the sound of the voice, oh no, what happened? People had turned their head to look at the door. The door opened a few moments later and a doctor stuck his head out, looking around before his eyes landed on me. He motioned for me to follow him back there. I hesitantly stood up and walked through the door, following him to a room.
Zane was sitting in there, eyes wide and a blank expression. "Zane, what's wrong?" I asked. He looked up at me and stayed silent. I turned to the doctor and look at him, worriedly. He told me to sit down as he started to explain the situation.

Aphmau's POV.

Haha! I had gotten everyone up and over to Zane and Travis's house. I even got Zianna to come over! They had the same reaction that I had when I told them the situation. We waited for them to get back, everyone met Rose and they seemed to think she was absolutely precious.
After about an hour we heard the sound of a car pulling up in the driveway. I told everyone to hide and I shut off all the lights. Rose and I were the only ones who didn't hide. I peeked through the blinds and saw their car. They were sitting in it, talking. Travis kissed Zane's forehead before they both got out of the car and started to walk up to the porch. I ran away from the blinds and hid behind the couch with Vylad, Dante, and Kawii~Chan.
We heard the jingling of keys and talking from outside. "I'm sure everything is going to be ok, I know how you feel, I'm shocked to.." We heard Travis's muffled voice say behind the door. "I know... But I still don't understand how though, it all just to confusing.." Zane said, I couldn't tell if it was the muffle of the door or not but it sounded like Zane was crying.
The door opened slowly and I crawled towards the wall with a light switch on it and waited as they both got completely inside. When they did I threw on the switch and everyone jumped up yelling. "SURPRISE!"
Travis and Zane jumped back a little bit. Rose ran over to Zane and hugged his legs.
Zane smiled and that's when I noticed that he had tears running down his face. Zianna jumped up and ran over to Zane, hugging him tightly. "It's so good to see you! But how could you not tell your own mother that you got yourself a man!" She exclaimed. Zane blushed and looked down. I walked up behind her.
"Zane, what's wrong?" I asked. Zane hesitated for a moment and looked over at Travis, who nodded. That's when Zane said something that made everyone, except for Vylad, Garroth, and Zianna gasp.
"Surprise, I'm pregnant..?"


Yo, before anyone says anything I KNOW MEN CANNOT GET PREGNANT
But it's a Fan FICTION
Fiction is meant to be FALSE It's made up stuff! I want to have Zane get pregnant, he's gonna get pregnant. So please, chill.

So, yeah! (YO OVER 1300 WORDS.)

I Can't Live Without You~ A Zanvis Fanfiction. ((Book Two))Where stories live. Discover now