Chapter Ten~

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Rose's POV.

I was happy that I was adopted. My new parents seemed really nice, and I liked them a lot. I had to admit that something about the white haired one freaked me out, like there something weird and supernatural about him. (CARRY ON MY WAYWARD SO- No? Okay...)
He freaked me out a little, I would admit. Eh, but I'm only six years old, what do I know.
I was excited to see my new home and learn some more about my new family. But right when we pulled into the drive way, Zane, I think his name was, ran into the house all panicked. The other one helped me inside and I waited outside of the bathroom for them.
I heard the sound of vomiting. "Zane are you ok!?" He yelled. A few moments later he walked out, carrying the other, bridal style. 'Aww' I thought to myself as I followed them into the living room. He set him down on the couch and I climb up on the other side. They started listing off reasons why he might be sick.
  I sat there silently listening to them go back and forth. "I think we should go and show Rose her room now." One of them said, looking at me and smiling. I smiled back and they both led me upstairs and stopped and opened a door. Suddenly it got really chilly. I smiled and walked inside, sitting on the fluffy rug and unzipping my bag, pulling out my best friend, a small stuffed lemur named Evie. I had her forever and she was my best friend ever since when I lived with my last family.
I looked up to see that they were both gone from the doorway. I shrugged and stood up, going over to the bed and set my things on it. The bed was soft and looked comfortable.
  After exploring the room a little bit I went back downstairs. They were both on the couch watching some kind of cartoon. I was curious and soon found out it was called My Little Horsies.
Oh no I think I'm obsessed..

Travis's POV.

Good news, apparently Zane was feeling a lot better by the time we all settled down to go to sleep. Maybe he was right, I hope so at least. He was able to eat dinner without any problems.
When I woke up the next morning it was still dark, probably about 3:00. I sat up but Zane wasn't beside me. I raised an eyebrow and got out of bed. I walked down the hallway, thinking maybe he had gotten up to get something to eat. But he wasn't in the kitchen. I looked around but he wasn't anywhere. I was about to check the room again but I paused when I saw the bathroom light on from the closed door. I heard the unmistakable sound of vomiting from inside.
I panicked and quickly opened the door to see Zane throwing up. I rushed over to him and kneeled down on he ground. I pay his back a few times. "That's it! We're going to the doctors!" I said. "N-no-" Zane started to object but he threw up again before he could finish his sentence. "Nope! Come on, we're going." I said, handing him the small trash can that was near the shower. I helped him stand up and quickly called Aphmau, surprisingly she was awake and agreed to come over and stay with Rose while we went to the local doctors office. We both went outside and sat in the car and waited for Aphmau.
I saw her jogging down the road, still in her pajamas. I rolled down the window to talk to her. "You never told me you two had a kid!" She yelled. I chuckled. "I guess this is a bad time to tell you that Zane and I got engaged." I said. "What!?" She yelled, but she smiled. "That's awesome!" She said. I nodded. "We really need to get going but thanks again, Aphmau." I said, starting the car. "Travis, I'm fine-" Zane started to say. "No, we're going to the doctors even if I have to drag you in there kicking and screaming." I said. He leaned back in defeat, I win. "Thanks again, Aphmau, and tell Rose what's happening, ok?" I asked. "Yeah! Feel better soon, Zane." She said, walking into the house.

I Can't Live Without You~ A Zanvis Fanfiction. ((Book Two))Where stories live. Discover now