Chapter Fourteen~

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Zane's POV.

  I watched as the police car pulled away, with Travis in the back. There had to be something going on, there is no way in the nether he would do something like that. I mean, sure he could be a pervert and a freak sometimes, but he would never purposely hurt anyone like that. No, someone must have framed him, that's the only logical answer.
I must have stood on the front porch for about five minutes before realization hit me and I started to hyperventilate. I don't know whether or not it was because I was nervous, or because of morning sickness but I made a mad dash to the kitchen and threw up in the trash can.

Travis's POV.

"I. Didn't. Do. Anything." I said, looking up at the two policemen in front of me. They had spent forever trying to question me, even though it wouldn't do any good if I never did anything. "You're not helping yourself at all by lying." The man said. I groaned. "I'm not lying!" I exclaimed. The handcuffs cut into my wrists, uncomfortably. "Even if you weren't lying, than how do you explain this." The woman said, playing the video for the tenth time. "I don't know.." I muttered. "Listen, if you confess the punishment won't be as bad." The man said. "What is there to confess to!?" I exclaimed. "Calm down." The woman said.
I let out a exasperated sigh and slammed my head down on the table. "This is impossible." I muttered. "Listen, we want answers and you want to be found innocent, right?" The woman asked. I lifted my head and nodded. "Good, because your lawyer just got here." The man said. "Lawyer?" I asked. "Well, yeah, you're gonna need one for when you go on to trial next week." He said. I slammed my head down on the table again and groaned.
I heard the door to the small room open. "Hi, I'm Ross, professional Sassy Lawyer." I heard someone say. (yES- Sassy Lawyer was the best.)
  I lifted my head again to get a better look at him, I raised an eyebrow. "A sloth is going to be my lawyer?" I asked. "In a narwhal!" Ross yelled. "Sorry?" I asked. He sat down across from me and studied me. He pulled out a briefcase and opened it, taking some papers out. "So you're suspected of a drive by shooting that you claim you've never been a part of, and you claim to be a victim of it?" He asked. I nodded. "Ok, why don't we start off with this, can you tell me exactly what you did that day?" Ross asked. "Well, I woke up and took my fiancé to work, I then went to the store because we needed food and I had gotten to the car and I was putting them away and then I felt some numbing pain in my head and my stomach, then everything went black." I explained. "Hmm, I see, what happened after that." Ross asked. "According to everyone I died, so.." I said. "Ok, well, I believe you." Ross said. "I understand if you don't- Wait What!?" I exclaimed. "Yup, I believe you, but we have a lot of work to do of you want the jury to believe you." He said. I nodded. "Great, let's get to work then." He said.

Zane's POV.

I stared out the window of Garroth's car, staring at the passing buildings. I had gotten Garroth to take me to work then watch Rose for the day. "See, I knew Travis was up to no good." Garroth said, looking forward at the road. I grunted in response. "I've always had a bad feeling about him.." He said. I wanted to yell and just cuss him out for everything he was saying about Travis, but Rose was in the backseat. "Zane, he's probably going to jail for a long time, maybe it's time to break off the engagement..." That's when I snapped.
"NO!" I yelled. "Zane-"
"SHUT UP!" I yelled. Garroth stayed silent. "Travis didn't do anything wrong!" I yelled. "Zane you don't know that." Garroth said. "I do though!" I yelled. "Zane he could have easily-" Garroth started to say. "Stop the car.." I said. "What?" Garroth asked. "I SAID STOP THE CAR!" I yelled. Garroth pulled over and stopped the car near the sidewalk. I started to unbuckle my seatbelt. "Love you, Rose, see you this afternoon." I said through gritted teeth, opening the door and stepping out. I slammed the door shut and stormed down the sidewalk.

I Can't Live Without You~ A Zanvis Fanfiction. ((Book Two))Where stories live. Discover now