Chapter Twenty Two~

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Travis's POV.

"W-what!?" I asked. Zane took a few deep breaths. "T-the baby is coming.." Zane grunted in pain as he tried to stand up. I stood and picked him up, rushing down the hill. I took him over to where the cars were all parked. "Where did we park that car..?" I muttered, scanning the rows of vehicles. Zane yelled out in pain and his grip on my shirt got tighter. "Just take deep breaths.." I said, trying to keep calm but in reality I was panicking. I spotted Garroth and Laurence sitting on the hood of a car, talking. I rushed over to them which seemed to startle them. "Travis, what's wrong." Garroth asked, his eyes lowered to Zane. "H-he's going into labor.." I managed to breath out. "What!? We got to get him to a hospital!" Garroth exclaimed. "I know!" I exclaimed. Zane was breathing heavily and I knew we didn't have much time. "Ok, I'll drive, Laurence, call Aphmau and tell her to gather everyone and meet us at the hospital." Garroth said. Laurence nodded and pulled out his cellphone while Garroth unlocked the car. I opened the back door and climbed inside with Zane. I laid him down and put his head on my lap.
  Zane yelled out again and I gripped his hand in mine. Garroth and Laurence both got in the car and Garroth turned the key, turning it on.


  We had gotten the the hospital and when we were explaining to one of the nurses what was happening, we had gotten a few weird looks. I ignored them and continued to talk to the nurse. "Ok, Doctor!" She exclaimed, stopping the doctor, and yes, the same doctor from every time we had gone to the hospital. "He looked at our group and smiled. "Don't worry, I got this, prepare for an emergency c-section." He said. They took Zane into another room for the surgery and we had to go wait in the waiting room.
About thirty minutes later Aphmau and everyone else showed up, so now we just had to wait.
I was a nervous wreck the entire time. What of something went wrong, I was definitely thinking of every worst case scenario there was in this situation. "Travis?" Aphmau asked, putting a hand on my shoulder. "Yeah?" I asked. "Are you okay?" Aphmau asked. "Yeah, I'm fine, just a little nervous." I said. "I'm sure he's doing fine." Aphmau said before turning to talk to someone else.
A few hours have passed and finally a nurse walked in. "Well?" I asked. The nurse smiled. "He and the baby are doing just fine, he just woke up so you can see him if you want." She said. I eagerly nodded and she led me, Garroth, Laurence, Aphmau, Aaron, Rose and Zane's parents to the room. When I got in there I rushed over to Zane who was laying down with his eyes half open. He smiled and sat up when he saw me. "How ya feeling?" I asked. "I'm feeling just fine." He said. I smiled and kissed him on the forehead. "Good." I said. A nurse walked in, holds the small baby in her arms. "Here he is, a healthy baby boy." She smiled and gently handed the child to Zane. The baby cooed and opened his bright blue eyes. The entire room seemed to 'Awww' at the small child. (Omg I so wanted to write Smol Childs..)
"So what are you going to name him?" Aphmau asked. I looked at Zane and he shrugged. "Um, how about Devon?" I asked, catching the name off the top of my head. Zane smiled. "I love it." He said. He handed Devon to me and I held him gently. "Hey there, baby." I said, looking down at him. Then he did something that quickly made me hand him back to Zane, he started crying. But I was happy that I was going to be raising a family with the one I truly loved.


  The End
Thanks to Garmau_Sarah for suggesting the name Devon!
Also there is gonna be a sequel, but I have no clue when Ima put it out, so ya! Thanks for reading! See ya next.

I Can't Live Without You~ A Zanvis Fanfiction. ((Book Two))Where stories live. Discover now