Chapter One~

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Zane's POV.

It was about noon and it was a dreary day, in more ways than one. The sky was gray and clouded and it was still raining, like it had been for the past three days.
I stared at my reflection in the mirror, my black hair was a mess and my eyes had bags underneath them, I was incredibly tired.
I straightened the tie to my suit and ran my fingers through my disarrayed hair in attempt to make it look nicer.
I reached for the mask that was on the dresser but paused. I don't think I'll wear it today. I know that Travis never liked it when I would wear it. Just thinking about him made me cry.
A single tear fell down my cheek, I quickly wiped it away and took a deep breath.
I gathered myself and walked out of the bedroom and into the living room.
I grabbed my keys and walked out of the house.

*Time Skip.*

Everyone from the neighborhood and anyone else who knew him was there. It was drizzling lightly and the cold air stung my cheeks whenever a gust of wind hit.
The coffin he was lying in was open for everyone to see, it would only be a few more minutes until we buried him.
I hardly talked to anyone the entire time. I just sat in the front row of chairs, waiting. I was the only one left in the end when they lowered the coffin into the hole that they dug before a headstone.
They started to cover it with dirt and I felt something trigger inside of me, like this wasn't supposed to be happening, like somehow I knew that this wasn't the fate he had to suffer. But I didn't do anything, he's gone and I had to accept it, no matter how hard it might be.
Everyone was long gone and I remained there, sitting next to the gravestone, I don't know how long I was there, all I know is that I left when it started to rain heavy and lightning.
When I got home I changed into some dry clothes and threw myself down on the couch. Then I felt that feeling that I felt back in the cemetery, I tried to ignore it but it didn't go away.
I closed my eyes for a few moments but as soon as I did I heard something that sounded like a scream.
I shot up, cold sweat dripping down my face.
Then I knew it, I don't know how but I knew it, Travis wasn't dead, he was still alive.
My heart skipped a beat as I stood up and ran outside, pulling out my phone to call Aphmau.
"Aphmau, meet me at the cemetery and bring a shovel." I exclaimed. "Zane, calm down, why do you want me to bring a shovel?" Aphmau asked. "Just trust me!" I yelled, hanging up.

Sorry if this sucked, I never have actually been to a funeral before so I have no idea what is supposed to happen... Sorry..

I Can't Live Without You~ A Zanvis Fanfiction. ((Book Two))Where stories live. Discover now