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Currently we're trying to get Capa to Icarus 2 so he can operate the payload, but I guess Harvey doesn't understand that.

"No, there's no choice for you. Capa, I order you to remove that suit.", Harvey said abviously not understanding the importance of this.

"GET OUT OF THE SUIT! That is a direct order. I assure you when I'm aboard Icarus 2, that I will do everything in my power-" "To what? Shuttle back with more suits?", Mace said interrupting Harvey.

"The airlock is ripped in half. Once we break that seal, how are we gonna repressurize?!", I aked him. Now he has nothing to say.

"Cassie!" "Go.", Cassie answered Mace. "Alright listen. We can't repressurize if we open the seal for Capa, the gas blast him out, right?" "Right." "Okay, so if you open your airlock and we line it up just right, then he'll fire inside. And so will we.", Mace said explaining the plan to Cassie.

"Without suits?!", I asked thinking he's insane.
"You gotta trust me.", Mace said to me and I nodded.

"Get as close as you can." "You have 20 meters to cover at -273 degrees Celsius.", Cassie and Cori said to Mace.

"It's gonna be cold, but we'll make it. Anyone have any better ideas?", Mace asked and there was silence. "Copy that.", Mace and started ripping off material from the walls. We started wrapping ourselves with it until Searle got our attention.

"Mace, we have a problem. The computer's down. One of us has to manually operate the seal." "Shit...you're right.", Mace said to Searle.

"So whatever happens, one of us is staying behind.", Searle said and we all looked at Harvey since he's now the captain.

"I see. I get it. It's me. That's what you all are thinking?!" "No, Harvey. It's me.", Searle said to Harvey. Since that problem was solved, we started putting our "suits" on considering we just made them out of material we found on the walls.

"Stay close to me, okay?", Mace asked me and I nodded. We then heard Cassie on the coms telling us that we are lined up and everything's set.

"Searle, are you ready?", Mace asked and Searle tapped on the glass to give him the okay.

"Okay, we only got one shot at this. Cassie, are you ready?", Mace asked Cassie and she was. Then we all grabbed a hold of Capa to get ready.

"Lizzie, Harvey, keep your eyes shut and exhale slowly." "Copy." "Okay.", Me and Harvey said agreeing with Mace. "LET'S DO IT!!" And with that, we were off. Searle opened the seal and we blasted out of there. Me and Mace made it in safely and we were just waiting on Harvey and Capa. Icarus closed the seal and turned on the gravity and we lived, but Me and Mace were freezing.

"Breath. Mace, Liz, BREATH!", Cassie aid trying to calm us down, but were cold, we lost Harvey, Mace's hand was freezing, but we were alive and that's all that mattered.

"Capa, are you okay?" "Yeah.", Capa said to Cassie getting out of the suit. Me and Mace were trying to keep warm so we cuddled close and Cori gave us a blanket.

"Y-you're c-crazy, you know that?" "Y-yeah, but you l-love me.", Mace said and I buried my face into his chest.

Sacrifice for the Sun (Mace/Sunshine)Where stories live. Discover now