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You woke up giving a little mewl, you felt extremelywarm but it was strangely comfortable. You had never felt socomfortable. You gave a happy sigh, you had been denied physicalcontact for years and you wanted so much for just a bit. Now youcould feel the bodies pressed to you as if it was real. Sighing youopened your (eye color) orbs even though you really didn't want to.

You gasped as what you saw; you were laying on top ofRussia and Germany, on top of you laying horizontally were four:there was the Bad Touch Trio; Prussia, France, and Spain as well asAmerica. You glanced back and saw that Canada and North Italy werespooning you, North Italy was laying on top of Canada. South Italy,Japan, and England were all near you but were cuddled close to youand touching you but not cuddled into you.

The only thing they were all in their nyo version, theywere all women. As you were waking up fully and you realized that youwere not sleeping you gave a shocked scream and jumped. However howyou were surrounded and people surrounding you your jumping andscreaming only woke them up. They all looked around and seeing youmoved away allowing you to get off of them.

"You tell us who you are, da? (yes?)" The Russialooked at you and you took a deep breath looking around.

"My name is Name Last-Name. This is my room. What areyou doing here?" You asked and they all looked around curiously.

"Does anyone know?" the America looking one askedand everyone looked around curiously and all shook their head no andsome even shrugged.

"I am Mulan, aru." The China one said, she had paleskin, brown eyes, and her brown hair was about

"And my name is Anya," the one who had asked who youwere. She had almost waist length pale blonde hair and violet eyes.

"I am Francine." The one who looked like France, shehad long blonde hair that went right past her shoulders andblue-violet eyes.

"And I'm Amelia! I'm the heroine!" The America girlsaid, she had curly blonde hair that just touched her shoulder andbright blue eyes.

"It is nice to meet you, my name is Alice." Anothersaid she looked like England and had a English accent. Her blondehair was a bit past her waist and she had green eyes.

"It is nice to meet jou, my name is Monica." TheGermany one said, she had her blonde hair in a pixie cut and she wasvery muscular compared to the rest of them as well as very busty andblue eyes.

"I am the AWESOME JULCHEN!" The Prussia looking onesaid, she was an albino as well as Prussia, she had waist lengthsnowy hair and ruby eyes.

"Ja. (Yes.) Und this is mein swchewester. (mysister.)" Monica sighed.

"Ve! I am Felicia, and this is my older sisterLovina!" The North Italy said, her older sister looked just likeSouth Italy. The one who spoke had goldish brown eyes and curlyreddish brown hair that came just past her shoulders. Her oldersister Lovina, had brown hair that was the same length and curly aswell and greenish brown eyes.

"Tsosososo, oh Lovina!" The woman who looked likeSpain said, "you are always so shy! Hola chica! (Hello girl!) Myname is Anita!" She had dark brown hair that came down to just themiddle of her back and her eyes were a bright green that shinedsurrounded by her tanned skin.

"And I am...I am Sakura." Japan looking one said.She had short black hair that only reached her chin. She had softbrown eyes. You smiled and they all paused but you blinked looking atthe last girl. She had violet eyes and blonde hair that came to justpast the middle of her back, she reminded you of Canada.

"Hello?" You asked looking at her and she blinked.

"You see me, eh?" She asked and you nodded, everyonelooked to where you were looking and realized she was there. "Myname is Madeline, eh." She said and you smiled before the thingsall fell into place, waking you up all the way. These were the namesof a lot of names that were said to be the names for the nyo versionsof the Axis and Allies.

"China, Russia, France, America, England, Germany,Prussia, North Italy, South Italy, Spain, Japan, and Canada?" Youasked shocked looking at them and they all froze looking at youshocked.

"How did jou know?!" Monica gasped and you lookedbetween them before taking a deep breath.

"It's a really long story and you won't believe me ifI just tell you." You said holding up your hands to show you meantno harm, the way they were looking at you with either shocked,fearful, angry, or some combination with any two or all three. "Ihave to show you, so come on." You said and they all slowly crawledout of your bed. The fact that all thirteen of you could laycomfortably on your bed was shocking. You'd think someone would fall.

Herewe are, the first chapter of all the Axis and Allies. I hope you guyslike this. Thirteen people can fit in anybed bigger than a single. How do I know? You don't need to know that.There is nothing I do outside of writing that any of you need to knowabout...

Ikid, I just did some mathematical figuring.

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