I Love You

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You had finally found an apartment, a three bedroom one.One that Felicia, Lovina, Anita, Monica, Julchen, and Sakura wouldplace their things in, one that Francine, Alice, Maddie, Amelia,Mulan, and Anya would put their things in another and the last onewas the one you would all sleep in and you would put your things in.

Right now you were in the kitchen cleaning up afterdinner; Francine, Felicia and Mulan cooked one meal a day, normallyAlice, Amelia, and Maddie would clean up the kitchen after the foodwas made one meal a day each the same as the three cooking, Anyawould do laundry, Anita would vacuum, Julchen would dust, Monicawould handle the money management, Lovina would be in charge of doingthe grocery shopping and Sakura would mop the floors.

The reason they stated that they would do all thehousework is because though they wanted to get a job to help you withthe bills they had no history; no proof they even existed, so theycouldn't. So instead they cleaned while you were at school andworking. However today you didn't have any school or work andinsisted to make the food and to clean up after.

You were shocked though when you were turned around, itwas Julchen who was smirking at you and on either side of her wasAnita and Francine, the others as well surrounding you. Francinekissed you while Anita lifted you up onto the counter, Julchenpressed against you so your vital regions were pressed right upagainst you.

She gave her unique laugh and carried you to the couchwhere you could be around all of them, all twelve surrounding you andpressed against you. Julchen rotated her hips causing you to moan.Julchen smirked at your glazed (eye color) orbs.

"Say mein (my) awesome name, my birdie." Shechuckled to you as you blushed darkly.

"Julchen..." you moaned and she smirked.

"Say mine to, belle cherie. (beautiful darling.)"Francine pouted.


"Don't forget me, amour. (love.)"


This was then that they were all insisting that you saytheir name. "Lovina....Felicia...." you moaned panting betweenthe name. Both twins were nipping on either side of your neck."Sakura~" you moaned and this caused the shy girl to blush evendarker at that.

"Monica!" You gasped as she gripped one of yourbreasts, she was blushing but she kissed you deeply, when you pulledaway you moaned as your other breast was being massaged. "Anya~!"

"Yes Name, say Mother Russia's name, polvesy.(sunflower.)" She smiled her kind smile at you.

"Alice!" You moaned kissing the blushing woman, whenyou pulled away Amelia immediately kissed you as well. "Amelia..."you moaned happily nuzzling Mulan's neck who was close as well."Mulan...~" you moaned. The last one was Maddie who remainedquiet holding your plump hips, You leaned your head back to kiss her."Maddie" you moaned against her lips.

It was this time that someone started to lift up yourshirt and you gave a yelp holding your shirt down. "No! I don'twant you to see my flabby stomach." You said and they paused,putting you down, all holding you close.

"Don't say that Name! We love you!" Amelia said andyou gasped as she said that blushing darkly.

"Oui, (Yes,) we truly do, J'taime. (I love you.)"Francine added as you smiled. It was then that you were distractedthat Anya practically ripped your shirt off, you gave a screech andtried to cover up but yoru wrists were caught by Julchen and Anita.

"Nein. (No.)" Monica practically growled, "jou areshoen (beautiful) und jou our ours." She said while Felicia nippedyour neck.

"And we love you, Name-a! Ti'amo." She said and theyall agreed.

"Ich liebe dich, mein (I love you, my) birdie."Julchen said with a smile.

"Ye itabulya ya. (I love you.)" Anya whispered inyoru ear.

"Ich liebe dich, schatz. (I love you, sweetheart.)"Monica said kissing your forehead.

"Te'amo! (I love you!)" Anita said with a widesmile.

"Ti'amo, raggazza. (I love you, girl.)" Lovinamuttered blushing which was so cute.

"...Woshita....(...I love you...)" Sakura mutteredbeing very shy.

"I love you as well, darling." Alice said lookingaway blushing.

"Wo ai ni. (I love you.)" Mulan husked in your ear.

"We all love you Name, J'taime. (I love you.)"Maddie finished moving your head to kiss you passionately.

"I love all of you two. So very much. (I love you inlanguage you feel connection to)" You whispered to them kissing allof them. You were then picked up by Lovina and carried bridal styleas all twelve walked to the room you all shared. "Where are wegoing?" You asked as they smirked.

"Were going to fuck our woman." Amelia said causingyou to yelp in embarrassment which just caused them to giggle at yourcuteness.

Herewe are, I hope you guys like this. There is serious challenges withwriting about having a dozen lovers.

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