Sweet Activity

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You were sitting on the couch silently, normally youwould be (reading/knitting/etc) but right now you were looking at thewall, if anything you could be counting the flowers on the wall.However you weren't, you weren't even noticing what you were lookingat. Your mind was far away and your (eye color) orbs were hazy andobviously far away.

You were so shocked and hurt that your parents hadtreated them like that. You cared deeply for all of them and you wereashamed that your parents had treated them like this. During thisentire time all twelve were watching you sadly.

"I think Name is sad, aru." Mulan said worriedwatching you.

"Ve..." Felicia sighed sadly in agreement.

"Vell it's completely understandable. Her parents..."Monica shook her head, her sad blue eyes watching you.

"Ja, (Yes,)" Julchen agreed with her little sister,being strangely mature right now.

"Maybe we could do something to make her feel better,eh?" Maddie suggested and they all looked at her curiously.

"Like what?" Amelia asked and Maddie looked down nothaving any ideas for it.

"That is a good idea Maddie," Francine said pattingthe shorter girl's shoulder.

"Da, (Yes,)" Anya agreed, "the sunflower doesenjoy baking." She pointed out as the toehrs hummed.

"That's actuarry a very good idea, Anya-san." Sakuraagreed and they nodded.

Moving foreword they were near and you looked upcuriously watching them and smiled at them. You never thought youwould meet your anime crushes. You never thought that they would likeyou back; you would have been fine with just being able to talk tothem and talk about history and everything else. However you werevery happy that they did like you that way, it was more than you everwould even allow yourself to dream of.

They smiled at you and Alice offered her hand, which youtook and stood up. It was Anita that spoke to you. "We've beencraving some (treat that you make well), would you mind amour?(love?)" She asked and you smiled.

"Of course," you smiled and it was Lovina who tookyour hand and led you to the kitchen quickly blushing the entiretime. You held back a giggle, Lovina could be so cute when she gotall flustered. Getting to the kitchenette you started pulling out theingredients, the particular treat that they had requested was yourspecialty.

Once you were mixing the batter in the bowel is whenJulchen, Anita, and Francine decided to have a bit of fun andreally get your mind off of it. Anitapressed against one side of you, Julchen and Francine each grippingone of your soft breasts causing you to gasp shocked and they allgave their own unique laughs.




What was shocking was instead of yelling them the othersjust went with it. Anya and Monica, being the tallest, both moved tokiss at either side of your neck, nipping where your shoulder andneck met. Felicia slipped between your chubby form and the countertop, nipping at your collarbone. Lovina moved to press against yourbody between Julchen and Anita.

Amelia and shyly Maddie as well reached out to grip yourbum, Alice shyly nuzzled your shoulder as did Sakura on your otherside. Mulan moved to press against your front between Francine andFelicia. You were blushing darkly and had stopped but they stopped,nudging you to keep mixing the batter.

You soon realized the rules, if you stopped they'd stopas well. Soon it was even if you slowed down or sped up as well.Being surrounded by a dozen bodies pressed against your body was hardbut it was so worth it.

Herewe are, I hope you guys like it. I hope you could understand what Iwas saying.

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