Immortality, Marriage, and Family

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You smiled as you were making dinner, (favorite dinner),on your left hand was a wedding ring; Francine, Alice, Maddie,Amelia, Anya, Mulan, Sakura, Julchen, Monica, Felicia, Lovina, Anitaand you all wore matching ones, (silver/gold) rings with a singlediamond.

They were all at a World Meeting but would be home soonand their friends and family would be coming soon. Norway, Romania,Cuba, Denmark, Belarus, Ukraine, North Korea, South Korea, Hong Kong,and Seaborg. You got along with all of them actually very well, theonly exception being Belarus who treated you kindly considering hedidn't want Anya to turn her back on him forever. However you becameclose friends with Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia and you hadrealized that Lithuania had a huge crush on Belarus and you wereslowly getting him to realize that he might have feelings for thetimid girl.

You didn't even jump as you felt three pairs of handsgrab your plush body and you turned to see it was Francine, Anita,and Julchen and you smiled, however it was Amelia who leaned over tokiss you with a heroine like laugh.

"What are you making polversy? (sunflower?)" Anyaasked and you smiled.

"I'm making dinner, (favorite meal), that soundsgood?" You asked and Mulan nodded with a wide grin.

"Shi! (Yes!) Your cooking is always tasty, aru!" Shesaid hugging you and then Felicia spoke.

"What's for-a dessert, bella amour? (beautiful love?)"Felicia asked looking around excitedly as you giggled.

"You'll love this; chocolate pasta." You smiled andboth she and Lovina smiled at that.

"That-a sounds delicious." Lovina said, she wasstill very tsundere but she was much easier being with you. Happierit seemed.

It was then that Monica started kissing you passionatelyand you moaned but pushed her away slightly, "liebe? (love?)" Sheasked as you smiled gently.

"Have you all forgotten? We have company of ten comingto have dinner with us." You pointed out and she frowned slightlyremembering that. You gasped as Maddie pulled you into her chest andkissed at your neck, the most sensitive spot on your neck which theyall knew well. You had learned all of their e-zones and they hadlearned yours.

"Well then we'll have a quickie, eh?"

"Ammourex, (Sweetheart,) it is impossible for us tohave a quickie." You pointed out and it was true, you wouldn't beable to with as many as you are to have a quickie.

"I don't think any of us care love." Alice saidcoming from the other side and kissing your lips, the meal wasalready mostly served up and she reached over to turn off the oven."Let them wait; we need you~" she cooed as you blushed darkly.

"But they have spare keys; they'll come in and hearus." You pointed out, none of you were the most quiet when it cameto those activities.

"Let them hear then." Sakura of all people said, shewas blushing but her brown eyes stayed locked on your own (eye color)ones. "You are ours, my butterfry, and ret them know." She saidas you blushed even darker shaking and pulled her into a kiss notable to deny them. Not that you wanted to.

"When you put it like that...come claim me." Youwhispered and they nodded with lustful half-lidded eyes.

Herewe are, this is the last chapter. I hope you guys liked this path.

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