Do You Miss Your Home?

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It was the weekend and you had no school or work andwere just spending the time with the others cuddling them. You weresitting in Monica and Anya's lap, your legs resting along Francineand Anita's lap, Julchen was using yoru calves as a pillow, Feliciayour thighs and Lovina your lap as a pillow. You were leaning back soyour lower back was laying on Alice's lap, your upper back onSakura's and your head was using Mulan's lap as a pillow and theChinese woman was playing with your (hair length)(straight/wavy/curly) (hair color) hair. Amelia was snuggling intoyour soft stomach which she was using as a pillow and Maddie wasresting on your chest, and you were stroking her long blonde hair.

You would normally be happy but you were so lost inthought it was Sakura who finally spoke. "Is there somethingwrong?" Sakura asked as you looked at her and bit your lip, thisgot the others attention and looked at you curiously.

"Vhat?" Monica asked looking closer and you sighedas they all looked at you.

"I...well...I'm just thinking. Do you guys miss it?"You asked and they all looked confused and you groaned realizingyou'd have to spell it out. "Your dimension, the country youpersonify, your friends?" You asked them and they looked at youshocked.

"Well...sometimes, da. (yes.)" Anya agreed, "Imiss my brothers but...if I had to choose I'd choose you." Anyasaid and the others agreed saying an affirmative in their nativelanguage.

Maddie lifted up and kissed you lovingly, and strokedyour hair, "we all love you maple,"

"Yeah!" Amelia said lifting up, "your the mostimportant thing to us, we love you."

"What brought this all on, love?" Alice asked andyou sighed at that.

"It's just guys are in a whole newdimension and you have me but...I'm so fat and ugly. You all deservebetter." You sighed and that got a reaction out of them.

"Don't jou ever say something like that liebe!"Julchen screamed causing you to jump, Mulan seemed to agree as shecupped your face.

"You are perfect, aru. We love you." Mulan saidkissing you, then all the others all kissed you as well.

"You are so perfect, cherie, (darling,)" Francinesaid stroking your hair from yoru rounded (skin tone) face. "Evenmore than my home." She said as you blushed, for Francine to sayyou were more beautiful then the country of France, than her, was avery big compliment.

Felicia and Lovina both moved to cuddle on either sideof you, "never think-a that way about yourself Name-a!" Feliciacried out nuzzling against you.

"Ci. (Yes.) You are beautiful. The most bella raggazza(beautiful girl) we have ever seen." Lovina said looking away andblushing and you blushed and had to bite the inside of your cheek tonot squeal at how cute the tsundere was being.

Your face was then cupped by Anita and she stared intoyour eyes, emerald meeting (gemstone that matches your eyes) and asmile on her lips. "Bella Name, (Beautiful Name,) don't youunderstand yet amoure? (love?)" She asked cooing to you, "we alladore you, we love you more than anything." She said nuzzling intoyour soft neck as you relaxed against them.

"I love all of you to, more than anything." You saidholding them close and basking in all of the love you felt for themand radiating off them to you.

Herewe are; I wanted to do something serious while being sweet and I hopeI succeeded.

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