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A.N. This is my first Phanfic that I promised my friend I'd write if she did an adopted by Phan (and she has go check it out Phanpyrus) also shoutout to danlikesmalteasers for the title 👍 enjoy the story and prepare to cringe! :3 Also, the YouTube video may or may not become relevant later in the story 😉

Phil's POV
"Phil, Phil, wake up! We have guests today." I reluctantly opened my eyes to see my mum, the queen, standing at the side of me shaking my shoulder. I suddenly remembered! We were having my friend Dan and his family round for the day. I had a few friends and I was greatful for each and every one of them. But Dan was special to me. He didn't see me as a prince like everyone else did, therefore he treated me like a normal person, which is all I ask of people. That's the downside to being a prince, everyone thinks they have to worship your every move. But I'm just Phil, Dan knows I don't like being treated differently to everyone else and treats me like he would treat anybody else; with respect and kindness. In fact, over the 7 years I've known him, I've slowly but surely fallen for him...

A.N. Sorry this chapter was short and not that great and a bit cheesy. Hopefully my next chapter will be better. Also I'm sorry if you cried at the video (if you watched it) I cried too but it will become relevant to the story at some point 🤔 also this story (along with my other story Penguins and Pizza Twins (self promo XD)) will have slow updates so I'll just update when I can get round to it. Thanks for reading! 🐧
Bye bye

Yes, Master (Phan)ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now