The search party

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Holly's POV
I'm brainstorming ideas on my bed. How am I going to find Dan? I've told Phil that I'm going to try to find him. He automatically agreed and told me he wanted to help. Caitlin volunteered to help too. We all decided we'd go out looking for him and ask the citizens of the town if they've seen him.

*Time skip*

Holly's POV
The search party begins.

Phil's POV
I took a deep breath. This is it. Time to see if I find the person who means more to me than anyone else in the world and apologise, or loose him forever. We tell the guards were going to Lorna's house and set out to the town. Holly, Caitlin and I all split up. Holly goes to the market to see if Dan has gone to buy anything, Caitlin goes to the river as the soothing sounds of the river flowing soothes him. I decide to go to his old house. After all, that's the last place he stayed at before his world was ruined. I walk a few miles then decide I have no time to spare so I start running as fast as my long legs could carry me. After a while, I make it to Dan's house. Not only that, the lights are on! I see a tall figure inside. I run to the door and pound relentlessly on it. After a while, I see Dan open it. I could tell he had splashed water on his face. I knew what this means. I say nothing and just engulf him in a hug. I know that's what cheers him up the best.

Dan's POV
Phil's at the door. My sunshine, the person who saved my life is at the door. All the voices in my head telling me I'm not worth anyone's time or that he doesn't fare about me are silenced. I was close to leaving everything behind to make the voices happy. But I didn't. I proved them right.
"I've missed you." I happily cried into Phil's shoulder.

Yes, Master (Phan)ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now