We'll see about that

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A.N. Update 3/3 sorry it's so late! 💕 Also, reference to the video above somewhere in this chapter see if you can spot it!

Holly's POV
If I tried, I could pinpoint the exact moment Caitlin's heart shattered. I knew she liked Phil, but I couldn't keep lying to her and letting her believe that Phil wasn't with anyone. Besides, Dan and Phil were the cutest couple and even though Caitlin was down about the fact that Phil was seeing someone, I knew she wouldn't do anything to try and get with Phil.

Caitlin's POV
So, Dan was dating Phil... We'll see about that.

Phil's POV
When the girls were out in the hall, I decided that this was the best time to talk to Dan like I promised I would before. I turned so I was facing him on the bed after pausing Attack on Titan, which we decided to put on after watching Spice World.
"Dan," he snapped his head up to me and smiled warmly towards me, "you didn't seem yourself before, is everything ok?" After saying this, I instantly regretted it. Dan started shuffling and fidgeting and looked uneasy. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want." I blurted out. But Dan sighed and started to speak,
"Actually, Caitlin has been with you a lot recently, don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with you two hanging out, I don't want to sound like I'm clingy and that you need my permission to hang out with people. You're your own person and I shouldn't be the one to stand in the way of what you want, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't jealous, and I can honestly say, I think Caitlin... Likes you."

Dan's POV
I was on the verge of tears. I wouldn't be surprised if Phil thought of me as a jealous monster now. I think I'm a jealous monster. I leave my wonderland of thoughts when Phil smiles and says,
"Dan, I don't have feelings for Caitlin. She's more like another sister to me. Nothing she says or does could ever change the way I feel about you. Even if it did, it would only make me love you more. I love you, Dan. I'll love you always, like I'm going to lose you. Don't ever forget that." I brought him into a bear hug. "I love you too, Phil. More than you'll ever know." After I hug him and kiss him, I tell him goodnight and head off to my room, tired. Though something is still keeping me awake. The thought of Phil and Caitlin...

A.N. Remember in the first chapter when I said the video at the top will be relevant to the story at some point? Well, it's next chapter so brace yourself. 👍also danlikesmalteasers I really hope you're not offended by any of this. Let me know if you are and I'll change it. 💕

Yes, Master (Phan)ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now