You are my sunshine

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A.N. Update 1/2 today also can we talk about their hair on this picture? Enjoy the chapter
Bye bye

Dan's POV
I woke up in a pair of pale arms. I turned and saw my boyfriend and brushed my lips on his. His eyes fluttered open and he smiled at me and this caused me to smile widely. I loved his adorable smile.

Phil's POV
I woke up to Dan kissing me. I remembered what he told me last night and how happy I was when I fell asleep.
"Good morning." I said, my voice husky from sleep. Dan returned the phrase and smiled. After a comfortable silence, he said to me,
"Phil, you are my sunshine." This made me smile like an idiot but I couldn't stop myself. "Honestly, I would be so alone in life if it wasn't for you and Holly. Thank you." I kissed him lightly on the cheek.
"No, thank YOU. That is the nicest thing I've ever heard." We cuddled for a while and I could feel my eyelids drooping. I looked at Dan and saw him fast asleep. He was so cute. I fell asleep once again, even happier than I was when I woke up.

Dan's POV
I meant every word I told Phil. He was special to me. He meant more to me than anyone else. I was happy.

A.N. Sorry this was short, another chapter later that will be longer.
Until then, bye bye

Yes, Master (Phan)ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now