The Visit (part 2)

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A.N. My third and final update for today then updates will probably be slow idk

Holly's POV
Me, Dan and Phil were happily watching Death Note and I could see how genuinely happy they were together. There was barely any space between them as they sat with me on my bed and every so often one would glance at the other, their eyes filled with love. I've never seen anyone look at each other the way they do.

Dan's POV
I can slowly feel my eyes drooping and my head lean over to Phil's shoulder. I'm just about to drift off when we hear the Queen call us for dinner and I can safely say that woke me up! Phil and I follow Holly down the long halls and the winding stairs to the dining room. There's a large table with about 5 seats on each side and one seat at each end. The King and Queen sat in the end seats and I sat in the middle of Holly and Phil, across from my mum dad. We tucked in to our large dinner.

*Time skip*

Phil's POV
After dinner, Dan, Holly and I went back to Holly's room to watch some more Death Note and play Monopoly. After a while of playing the game, Dan finally won. He stood up and started jumping around in fake exaggeration of his victory. He was smiling so widely with his deep dimples showing and his eyes brown eyes crinkled up at the sides. Whenever he smiled, I couldn't help but feel more in love with him. At this point, I was so in love that I needed to tell someone before I burst. I didn't know who to tell though, telling Dan how I felt was out of the question! He would probably reject me and make fun of me. No, I'm probably over thinking. Dan wouldn't bully his best friend. I still can't tell him though. I could tell my parents or Dan's parents, but it's nothing to do with them and I wouldn't know how to word it. There's only one person I can tell, my sister Holly. Holly is like the female version of me, I know she's my sister, but we like the same things which causes us to get along really well and bond really well. I just hope she's happy for me...

Holly's POV
"Holly, can I talk to you for a minute?" My brother asks me. He looks quite nervous.
"Of course you can, we'll only be a minute, Dan." I reply. Dan flashes a small smile as I walk into the hall with my brother. He's starting to look more and more nervous by the second.
"Phil, calm down, I'm your sister, you can tell me anything. I won't judge you." I reassure him. He takes a deep breath and tells me.
"I think I'm in love with Dan." He looks down, blushing and looks like he's going to cry. Did he really think I wouldn't be happy for him? I start squealing and jumping for joy, like a small child when they get given a packet of sweets.
"I KNEW IT!" I screeched. Phil shushed me and reminded me that Dan was only in the other room and might be able to hear me. I calm down and say,
"So, when are you going to tell him?" Phil looks at me, confused "How's he going to know you like him if you don't tell him. I've seen the way he looks at you and I think he feels the same way."
Phil takes a deep breath and finally says "Okay, I'm going to tell him."

Dan's POV
I can hear Holly squealing outside the room
"I KNEW IT" she shouts before Phil tells her to be quiet. I can hear more muffled conversation and then Phil and Holly re enter the room. "Dan, my brother needs to tell you something..."

Yes, Master (Phan)ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now