Life is good

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A.N. Update 1/3 today like I promised! This chapter will be very short because I can't think of what to write also HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAN

Caitlin's POV
I was sat on Holly's bed with Dan, Holly and Phil. They were introducing me to Death Note because, although I told them I liked anime, they were shocked when I told them I'd never watched Death Note as I never had the chance. There was a small space between Dan and Phil and they invited me to sit with them so I did but made sure I shuffled closed to Phil.

Holly's POV
Dan and Phil invited Caitlin to sit in the middle of them two on my bed. She accepted the invitation and sat down. I couldn't help but notice that she was sat incredibly close to Phil. Dan seemed to notice this as well as he looked pretty jealous. We exchanged suspicious looks. Phil needed personal space and I'm sure she did as well. So why was she sat so close to him?

*Time skip*

Caitlin's POV
We had moved on from watching Death Note and decided to watch Walking on Sunshine (A.N. If you haven't seen that film, I recommend it) and when they were singing the last song, I noticed it was dark outside. I checked my phone and was shocked to see that it was 11:30pm. My eyelids started feeling heavy and they began to droop. I was falling asleep and I thought this was my perfect opportunity. I leaned my head over onto Phil's shoulder. I hoped I wasn't invading his personal space. I know he wouldn't just nudge me off his shoulder, he isn't like that but if he didn't want my head on his shoulder, he'd tell me, right? He didn't tell me to get off his shoulder so I eventually drifted off into a deep sleep. I liked this. Life is good.

Yes, Master (Phan)ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now