Ok, I understand

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A.N. Second and last update of today. This will be a lot shorter than the last chapter so yeah enjoy 👍

Dan's POV
The day after I was given a job at the Palace, I was ready to start. I was told I could come in whenever I wanted to as there wasn't a lot of jobs that needed doing today but I decided to show up early anyway to show I was punctual and prepared. It was about 9:30 when I arrived at the Palace. My grandma was pleased that I had a job. She actually cried of happiness and told me she was so proud of how independent I'd become. She hasn't seemed herself recently. She's been a bit... Upset most of the time. I hope she'll get better. Apart from Phil and Holly, my grandma has always been there for me and supported whatever I wanted to do in life. Putting all these thoughts behind me, I knocked on the door. I heard footsteps and suddenly the door opened. It was the King. He welcomed me in and said,
"Hello, Daniel. What a pleasure to have you working for us in our Palace. I expect you know your way around and don't need showing around." I shook my head in response. Suddenly, the King looked me straight in the eye. It made me a little uncomfortable. He sounded very serious when he told me,
"Unfortunately, we like our servants to be on task at all times, although you will be treated with a lot of respect, there is one thing expected of our staff." I became worried. I would pay any price to keep this job, so whatever it is I'd have to do it. I was expecting the worst when he continued,
"You are not allowed to communicate with Phil or Holly unless they ask you to do something for them or you are asking them if you need anything." At first I was confused about what he meant, then I realised what he meant and I understood exactly where he was coming from. I just had one question,
"Am I still allowed to speak to them when I'm off duty?" The King chuckled, "Of course you are, son." The King called me son a lot. He's always been like a second father to me and ever since me and Phil started dating, we became a lot closer. I felt loved.
"Ok, I understand and I will not let you down." I meant every word. This was the first time I knew I wasn't going to let someone down, for once in my life, I was doing something right. My parents would be so proud. The King bustled away and I swiftly got to work.

A.N. Thanks to Phanpyrus for helping me improve my book 🐧
Bye bye

Yes, Master (Phan)ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now