He's seeing someone

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A.N. Update 2/3 enjoy! 💕

Phil's POV
I felt a weight suddenly appear on my shoulder. I looked down and saw it was Caitlin. I felt kind of uncomfortable with her on my shoulder as I like having personal space. I was about to politely ask her if she'll move up a bit, thus moving her head off my shoulder but I saw that her eyes were closed under her thick black glasses. I felt rude waking her up just so she could move as I felt that would be selfish so instead, I let her get some sleep. I wondered why she chose my shoulder to sleep on, of all the shoulders in the room. I looked up and saw that Dan didn't look very happy. I gave him an apologetic smile and mouthed to him, "Are you ok? We can talk about it later if you want." He nodded slowly and started searching Netflix for Spice World. Typical Dan.

Dan's POV
Yes, I was a little jealous of Caitlin resting her head on Phil's shoulder. I don't know why, I'm sure they don't like each other in that way. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy they get along, but Caitlin seems to be near Phil all the time. But by that I mean, when they are sat together, Caitlin is right next to him and there is usually little to no space between them. And now she is asleep on his shoulder. I couldn't help but glance at Phil. He looks at me apologetically and mouths something to me. I don't quite understand what it is he's trying to say so I just nod and hope that's the right answer. He smiles at me and looks back at the telly. I decide to put Spice a World on. I see Holly's face light up when the mouse lands on the film whereas Phil looks confused and mildly concerned. What can I say? I'm doing it ironically!

Holly's POV
I was watching the scene unfold. Caitlin literally fell asleep on Phil's shoulder. She was sat pretty close to him as well. This might just be me being a protective sister, but I've never seen anyone sit that close to Phil apart from Dan. Does she even know they are dating? I should probably talk to her about it so she doesn't get the wrong idea. I'm suddenly snapped out of my thoughts when I see Dan click on Spice World (the Spice Girls movie) I'm secretly very happy to watch this film. I've just never told anyone as I'm scared they'll judge me for it. But as far as I know, Dan is definitely doing this ironically so I 'pretend' to be happy about finally being able to watch the Spice Girls movie.

Stop trying to cover up being happy about watching the film. Everyone knows how much you want to watch it.

*time skip*

Caitlin's POV
I woke up, still on Phil's shoulder, but there was a different film on, it was Spice World, the Spice Girls movie. I was kind of disappointed that I'd slept through it as I've always wanted to watch that film. I will watch it one day. I'm betting on it. I rose up from Phil's shoulder and stretched.
"Good morning everyone" I jokingly said, little did I know, it was 1:30 in the morning.
"Good morning, Caitlin." Holly warmly smiled at me, "Can I talk to you outside for a minute?" I nodded slowly, slightly worried as to what she wanted to talk about. I followed her out of the room and she lowered her voice into a whisper as everyone else is asleep,
"So, you seem to be getting along with Phil quite well," I smiled at the thought of Phil. I nodded when I realised Holly was still waiting for an answer. "Tell me honestly, do you see Phil as more than a friend?" At this moment, I felt my heart stop. I did. But was this something I really wanted to tell her? She's his sister, what if she ends up telling him and it ruins our friendship? It's better he hears it from me. Again, I realise I needed to answer Holly as she starts clicking in my face. I was ready to tell her no, but instead, I blurted out yes. I could feel my cheeks heating up and I felt like my face was going to set on fire. "I thought so," she told me. I was puzzled,
"How did you know?"
"Come on, Caitlin! It's obvious. I've seen the way you look at him. If you're worried I'm going to tell him, I promise I'm not. I'd never share anyone's secret. As much as I think in an alternate universe, of which there are many, you and Phil are more than friends and may possibly be a cute couple. But, unfortunately in this universe, Phil is seeing someone. Actually, he's seeing Dan."
I felt my heart sink to the floor.

Yes, Master (Phan)ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now