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Dan's POV
It's so beautiful. My parents were there, so was my grandma. They were telling me everything was OK now. They're saying that I can come to them and have no more suffering. No more sadness. It's exactly like I imagine death is like. All these years of being scared about what happens after we die, yet I'm happy. I'm with my family again. I just wish Phil was here. I'll never forget him. Even though I'm sure he'll forget me, I don't blame him if he does. I'd forget me too.

Phil's POV
I look down at the limp, lifeless, pale body in front of me. My best friend, my love, dead. My first reaction is to cry. However, I struggle. I've done too much crying and I'm not sure I have many tears left to cry. My next reaction is to take my anger out on something, someone. I look around the room in search for something to release some anger. Across the room is Dan's doctor. He's taking notes on a clipboard. I walk over to him and raise my arm to punch him hard in the eye. As I'm about to punch the doctor and completely erupt in rage, I stop to assess what I'm doing. Dan's gone now. He wouldn't want to see me like this, he didn't fall in love with the violent, angry Phil. He fell in love with the kind, caring Phil. I make a promise to myself that I will be the Phil that Dan fell in love with for Caitlin, Holly and everyone else.

Dan's POV
The light is starting to fade along with my loved ones. I can hear faint crying and pacing in the background. Am I alive? Am I still dead? Was I dead at all? Where am I? It takes everything I have to open my eyes. They must've been closed for a while because they feel like they've been fused together. I look in the distance and can see someone with black hair, pale skin and bloodshot eyes. Phil? He's grabbing the doctor and raising his arm with his hand clenched in a fist. Is he going to do what I think he's going to do? He can't. That's not the Phil I know, he wouldn't harm a fly. He must've thought something similar because he's slowly lowering his arm, leaving the doctor without any harm whatsoever. I try to say Phil's name, or just anything.

Phil's POV
I don't know what to do with myself now Dan's gone. I'm pacing round the room, wondering how I'll tell everyone. I'm forced out of my thoughts by a small but familiar voice,
Could it be? I run over to Dan's side and so does the doctor, his eyes are open now and his breathing is slowly but surely returning to normal. I can't believe it...

Yes, Master (Phan)ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now