7. The truth

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It's really early that morning when Taylor wakes up. She rolls over her bed and grabs her phone from the nightstand to check her texts and social media interactions. She has a text that from Selena and from the way is written she was probably drunk when she sent it. She reminds herself that she has to call her since it's been a couple of days since the last time they have talk. Taylor finally wakes up and go grab some clothes, she is going to meet Karlie at the beach like usual and it seems like Pongo also knows about their routine since he is already waiting at the door waiting for her. She goes downstairs and starts looking from his collar when something scared her to death. 

-Hello sis- Austin says breaking the silence of the house.

-Shit- Taylor whispers before she turns to look at her little brother.

She has used to sneak on the morning before any member of her family is awake so at least she doesn't have to explain where she is going one more day before she leaves, even if she has to do it once she is back at the house. Her morning walks with Karlie are now part of her routine and everybody knows it even if they are not happy about it. Since the concert they have spent a lot of time together not only at the beach with the dogs but also at Karlie's house. It is Taylor's safe place now, whenever she feels sad, bored or anxious about her family she can always go there. But her family is not as happy as her because she is not expending quality family time as they expected when those vacations were planned and she knows that Austin being there is not a good sign at all.

-Good Morning Austin- Taylor says when she sees her brother sitting on a stool in the kitchen.

-You going anywhere?- her brother asks with a smirk.

-Yeah... To the beach- Taylor answers trying to avoid that Karlie is going to be there, something about their friendship makes her want to protect it from everybody around

-Can I go with you today?- Austin asks.

-Don't you have surfing lessons or something today?- Taylor asks, she doesn't want Austin meeting Karlie because it can mean a lot of teasing and jokes every time they are alone or even in front of her parents.

-My teacher called he is sick- Austin explained- and since I'm already up I was thinking about going with you for a walk.

-I prefer to do it on my own- Taylor says looking away and watching that Pongo is already waiting for her at the door.

-You are not on you own if you are meeting that girl- Austin guesses, he doesn't need a confirmation to know that he is right.

-You know what I meant- Taylor protests.

-Are you like dating her or something?- Austin asks catching her by surprise- because I would be cool if that were the case.

-Of course no- Taylor denies but she can't avoid the fact that her heart has raced the moment that Austin suggested.

-Taylor I'm your brother- Austin says like if that were the perfect answer for that moment.

-We are just friends Austin and now if you excuse me I'm going to leave- Taylor says turning to leave her brother standing there.

-I'm going with you whether you want or not- Austin says following her- if you accept it I will go with you and if you don't I will follow you and casually meet you two guys there.

-You are impossible- Taylor protests crossing her arms but she knows that her brother is serious about that- ok whatever come with me.

-That's my sis- Austin says happy for his victory.

Taylor tells Pongo to follow her and soon the three of them are walking to the beach together. Taylor is not happy of sharing her time with Karlie also with Austin since she thinks that her brother is going to make fun of her in front of Karlie or something like that and the last thing she wants know is to lose the only person who makes her feel right in Los Angeles. She tries to convince herself as they walk that maybe it's not a bad idea at all since maybe if Austin meets Karlie he can be her ally every time she wants to go out with her instead of her family. Austin realizes that her sisters is really nervous and that only can mean that she really cares about Karlie and he wants to make things right for her, he is not going to be an asshole in front of this mysterious girl. 

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