18. You knew it all this time

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Karlie opens her eyes and rolls over to hug Taylor but the bed is empty. She opens her eyes and discovers that in fact Taylor is not there. She looks around, her eyes still lidded from the sun light. The house is silent but she gets up and goes downstairs looking for her girlfriend, thinking that maybe she is at the kitchen or at the backyard with Olivia. However when she walks all the ground floor there's no trace of Taylor anywhere. She goes to the kitchen to grab a cup of water when she realizes that there's fresh coffee over the countertop and next to it there's a note. She quickly recognizes Taylor's handwriting since she has spent hours reading the story she gave her back at her birthday. 

'Good morning babe... 

I went back to my place, you seemed really peaceful sleeping and I know you had a few rough days barely sleeping with me being sick and the bbq and you know us being us... I just wanted to let you rest a little bit :) 

Talk to you soon...  sincerely  yours Taylor :) ' 

Karlie smiles when she finishes reading the note but she also feels that something is going on. She knows that their conversation about the future hasn't been a success and it's going to be hard being away from each other but they still have some more few days together and she wants to use every second with her. She decides to text Taylor to let her know that she is now awake and ready to do whatever her girl wants to do. 

Karlie: hey babe, I just read your note... very romantic :) can't wait to kiss you, plans for the day? 

The text interrupts Taylor's thoughts who is sitting at the shore in front of her house. The moment she opened her eyes she knew she couldn't be next to Karlie at the time, she needs to be alone a little bit in order to clear her mind. After their conversation she wasn't planning to sleep over with Karlie. The last thing she remembers is watching a movie with Karlie on the living room and when she opened her eyes she was in the bed the next morning. She probably felt asleep and Karlie carried her to the bed so when she woke up she knew she had to leave. 

 Karlie blurs her mind, whenever she is thinking about the future or what to do if Karlie appears with her big smile and her deep green eyes suddenly all her thoughts blurs and she doesn't know what she want anymore so maybe the idea of staying away a little bit would be good for her. Instead of texting her back she decides it's time to go home again. The moment she walks into the house she goes straight into the kitchen since she is starving, after all they didn't have dinner the previous night. 

-Good morning- Scott says when she enters the kitchen before he pecks her head out to the garden to call Andrea- Andrea your daughter is here. 

-Taylor! Good to see you around- Andrea jokes entering the kitchen. 

-Good morning mom- Taylor says feeling a little guilty because she never texted her mother that she was sleeping with Karlie- sorry I didn't text you mom but we fell asleep watching a movie I wasn't planning to stay. 

-It's okay, since we knew you were with Karlie we weren't really worried- Scott says shrugging his shoulders. 

-Oh... okay- Taylor says surprised- I'm going to cook something I'm starving. 

-Do you want me to cook it for you?- Andrea offers. 

-Don't worry mom, I can use the distraction until Selena and Austin wake up- Taylor says dismissively. 

-Okay then- Andrea says before going back to the pool. 

-You ok honey?- Scott asks. 

-Yeah dad, I'm fine- Taylor says with a small smile. 

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