16. Fun time

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Taylor wakes up already feeling nervous, Karlie has texted her about what time she would pick her for lunch for she can't stop thinking about that movie premiere. There's a million reasons why she doesn't or shouldn't go to it but there's a big one to do it: Karlie, and that beats all the others. Karlie has also texted her that Austin and Selena can join them but only to the after party, it's impossible to get anyone more to the premiere, in fact it took Karlie a few calls to get Taylor a seat next to her since all the news and herself going was a last minute thing and the theater was almost crowded. As promised Karlie picks up Taylor at her place for lunch. Taylor can notice how excited her girlfriend is since the moment she gets into the car , she can't stop talking about the new role and the calls she has gotten from the director who wants to meet her again to talk about the role. Taylor smiles and grabs her hand all the way to the restaurant. Karlie has parked the car at the hotel and they have walked to a nice sushi bar that it's really close to it. They are talking and having fun like any other day they spend together until Karlie remembers something. 

-You are going to meet my publicist!- Karlie says excited while they finish the meal. 

-And why is that a good thing?- Taylor asks laughing, she still doesn't understand the whole publicist thing. 

-Because Jourdan is also my friend- Karlie explains- and she is dying to meet you, she is the one who has handled all the press and questions about us all this time. 

-But she didn't come to the 4 th of July or your birthday right?- Taylor asks curious. 

-No, he's older than us and she has a husband and a kid so she likes to spend time with her family- Karlie says looking at her phone- she's actually on her way to the hotel so let's go. 

-Okay- Taylor accepts. 

Karlie takes care of the bill and grabs Taylor's hand to guide her again to the hotel where Jourdan is waiting for them at the lobby. Taylor is on a shy mode the moment they are with Jourdan, not really talking a lot in front of her. They go to Karlie's room, it's one of the suites where there are a hairdresser, a make up artist and a stylist, all her team, waiting for them. Taylor is a little overwhelmed by all of that preparation and work before a premiere or an event. Karlie explains her that her team is also doing her hair and make up, even if she's not walking the red carpet she wants Taylor to feel like a princess with her long dress. The evening turns to be more fun when Karlie opens a bottle of champagne while they get ready. Karlie and Taylor are constantly taking pictures and flirting even with the team there, probably because the alcohol is already in their systems making effect. After some suggestions of her team they decide what will be Taylor and Karlie's hairstyle and make up for the night and they starts working on them. Since Taylor's hair is shorter they finish her first, so the girl goes to where Karlie is sitting just to see how they finish her make up, she look stunning. 

-Wow... you really look beautiful right now- Taylor says without thinking. 

-All because the make up- Karlie laughs. 

-Don't say that!- Taylor protests, she always finds Karlie beautiful- you now you are always beautiful it's just that you look different today maybe it's because...

-You are rambling- Karlie mocks her holding her hand- but it's cute. 

Karlie leans to kiss her but Jourdan behind them remind her that she can't do it. 

-Karlie your make up- Jourdan reminds her- I'm going to make a few calls I'll be back. 

-Sorry- she apologizes looking at Taylor's eyes. 

-It's ok, I'm just nervous- Taylor says dismissively. 

-That's because I'm only wearing a robe and you can't wait to rip it off and...

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