9. So...

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Taylor wakes up feeling sick the next morning. The moment she opens her eyes it takes her more than a minute to realize that she is still at Karlie's place. She is going to move when she realized that she has an arm over her belly. She turns a little bit to discover that she is at Karlie's side of the bed and the girl has an arm surrounding her waist. She paralyses when she finds herself in that situation, not sure about what to do. At some point during the night she have rolled on the bed to be closer to karlie and they have ended in that position. It's in that moment when everything that happened the day before hits her. Her head is a mess not sure about what is going on between Karlie and her and now she is even more confused after the kiss. She knows now that her relationship with her is completely different from any friendship or relationship she has had with anyone before. Their connection is somehow special, they understand each other in a way that no one is able to do it. Does it mean that is more than friendship? Is that what love supposed to be? Someone who connects with you and makes you feel better just with her presence? Because Karlie does that. She has even make Taylor likes parties. Taylor decides that being hungover and over think about them is not the best idea so she just shake those thoughts and turns a little to look at Karlie. The girl is asleep, a couple of locks blonde hair falling over her face. She is beautiful, no doubt about it. Taylor realizes that if she has Karlie around she can't think about them so she need to leave the house. She wants to move but there's a chance that Karlie wakes up. She tries to do it, but Karlie's grip only became tighter than before, even sleeping the girl doesn't want to let her go. Taylor doesn't know what to do, she is starting to feel nervous and anxious and she needs a little air. She starts to move slowly but as soon as she is finally inches away from Karlie the girl starts to move too. Taylor is not ready to face her so she just closes her eyes and pretend to be asleep.

Karlie raises her head and the sun that crosses the silk curtains of her room brush her face so she doesn't open her eyes immediately. She takes a minute to get used to the light and when she finally is able to open her eyes she can see what is going on. She is laying with her arm hugging Taylor who seems peacefully asleep. She quickly removes it, not wanting to make her uncomfortable in case she wakes up. She has to admit that is comfortable laying so close to her but she doesn't want to get used to it, at least until they have an honest conversation about their feelings. Last night was messy, Karlie thinks while she stares at the ceiling same way that Taylor has done minutes before. She didn't mean to push Taylor with anything and she didn't mean to break their friendship doing that but now all the cards are on the table and they need to play or stop the game. She is hungover, she is used to drink a lot in parties and she also drinks a glass of wine every night but the day before she really drank more than usual. She realizes that maybe waking up in that position can be a little awkward for both of them so she decides to leave the bed and give Taylor some space at the bed. 

Taylor can feel how she leaves the bed and try to still pretend to be asleep, not sure about what to say or do if Karlie realizes she is awake. Karlie goes to the bathroom and comes back a few minutes later, feeling a little bit better before Taylor can feel a pat over the sheets. 

-Come here Olivia- Karlie says breaking the silence on the room- jump over the bed- Taylor knows that the cat did it since she can feel how she is walking over the mattress- good girl, now take care of Taylor ok? I don't want her to feel awkward when she wakes up. 

It can seems stupid to talk to the cat but Karlie does it everybody, same with Joe and it takes a lot of Taylor not to smile for it since she does the same with Pongo. Her heart has melted a little bit after that cute request to the cat, Karlie just wants her to feel comfortable when she wakes up and that is why she is probably leaving the room. 

Karlie walks downstairs rubbing her eyes, still feeling sleepy and not realizing that all the doors of the guests rooms that the previous night were closed now are open. That is the reason why she is scared to death when she enters the kitchen and see her friends and Austin standing there which makes her freeze in her spot. 

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