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I took another large gulp of my drink, looking down at the now nearly empty cup in my hand. Sam had been right; I did like the drink. It was strong and the mixture of whiskey with the pineapple could still be tasted even after I stirred it with my straw. I was feeling slightly buzzed, calm, just from the single drink but I was still far from being hammered. My mind was still alert and my annoyance with the boy who kept checking out girls beside me, was still very intact.

I glanced at him for a moment, watching him gulp his beer down as his eyes roamed over every single girl in the crowd. His eyes were searching, calculating the movements of each girl his eyes landed on. I didn't understand it at first, what exactly it was he was doing until my eyes landed on the purple bruise on his neck again. It looked fresh, like it had been put there maybe less than twenty four hours ago and that evidence was enough to convince me that he wasn't the type to settle down. He was the kind who had a different girl on his arm every week, maybe even every night and as I watched him scrutinizing the girls on the dance floor, it slowly dawned on me what he was doing. He was preying for his next victim.

Annoyed with the fact that he had barely bothered to talk to me, along with the fact that Zen and the others had disappeared sometime in the last twenty minutes, I turned my back to Harry. My cup was empty and I was bored and irritated with Zen for leaving me after she had begged me to come out tonight that my eyes automatically zoned in to the bar that was a few feet away. I wanted another drink, but I wasn't old enough and Zen wasn't around to get me one. And I wasn't about to ask Harry for help. So, doing my own studying I looked over the bartenders that stood behind the counter, immediately ruling out the girls. My eyes scanned over two of the guys that had crowds of people having them tend to their group before I canceled them out and gazed at the boy with blonde tips in his hair at the other end. He had two guys standing in front of him, his hands working to make their drinks before he handed it to them and they turned away. They moved off to the side and when they did, I saw my chance.

My feet moved with purpose towards the bartender who was currently wiping down the counter with a towel. I stopped when I reached him, leaning my elbows on the counter where he had just wiped. I leant forward, my hair falling on my back as I lifted my chin up at him and smiled when his dark brown eyes snapped up to look at me.

"Hi, can I get a Pineapple juice and whiskey?" I asked as nicely as possible and his eyebrow arched, his nose stud glinting when the flickering lights in the bar hit his face, his lips twitching up into a smirk.

"You got an ID?"

My face fell and I faked forgetfulness as I smacked my hand against my forehead. "Shoot, I forgot it in my apartment."

He chuckled and looked down at the counter in front of him, the towel wiping away the spilled alcohol. My eyes scanned the length of his tattooed arms, colorful designs wrapping around each of his arms. There was so much art and my wandering eyes paused on the odd word, Zap! tattooed on his forearm. I squinted at it but looked away quickly when he leant forward, his face stopping a few inches away from mine. My eyes flickered up to meet his and for a moment, I think about how long his eyelashes are. Don't get me wrong, I had pretty long eyelashes as well but his curled naturally and I just couldn't help but think how any girl would kill to have them.

"I've heard that excuse before, babe." He grinned, showing me a set of white perfectly straightened teeth. Mother of god this was the second beautiful boy I've encountered tonight. "Now get lost." And the second asshole.

My shoulders fell in defeat and I frowned at him, huffing in annoyance when he grinned even wider at my reaction. "Listen, buddy. A little bird told me you guys don't even check ID's, so what the hell?"

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