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Didn't have time to edit so ignore any misspellings or other mistakes for now!
Enjoy :)

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The rest of the week went quicker than I was anticipating and before I knew it, Thursday morning came around. The morning sped on by and I was nervous and unsure of what to expect as I slowly made my way to art class, my canvas weighing heavily in my hands the closer I got to the classroom. I hadn't seen or heard from Harry since Tuesday which normally wouldn't bother me but the way he had left so abruptly after uttering departing words that confused the shit out of me, made me curious. Zen hadn't hung out with him either which, again, was surprising considering he always seem to be with her and the rest of their group of friends. But in a conversation I overheard between her and Sam, he'd been MIA the past two days.

Which was why my curiosity grew when I walked into art class, expecting to see Harry sitting in his usual seat aready only to find it deserted. My eyebrows furrowed as I walked down the aisle, lips pinching in a tight line as I plopped myself onto my stool and placed my canvas on the easel. I dug my hand into my pocket to glance at the time, frowning when I saw there was a minute left until class started. Maybe he was just running late?

Though, that thought was interrupted when our professor walked in with an uplifting smile and clapped to get the class' attention. I barely heard the beginning of what she was saying before I tuned her out and my thoughts drifted back to Harry, eyes flickering down at my phone in my hand to see more time quickly passing. After a half hour into the class he still hadn't showed but I was forced to stop wondering where he was when the class broke off into pairs with their partners. Looking up with wide eyes, I watched people begin to converse with another to work on their projects and I deflated like a balloon. Harry wasn't here and he was my partner. Guess I was on my own.

Begrudgingly, I pulled a pencil out of my bag and stared at my canvas blankly. I hadn't drawn much since Tuesday and I didn't know where to begin again. His nose, lips, and eyebrows were done and as I stared at the half drawn face, an image of his green eyes flickered behind my eyelids. The way he had stared at me when kissing my shoulder, the intensity behind them. My fingers itched to draw them and after briefly glancing at the door, half expecting Harry to walk through the doorway only to be surprisingly disappointed when nothing changed, I turned back to my canvas with a sigh. I guess I'd have to draw from memory.

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"We're going to a frat party!"

The large handful of popcorn paused in front of my opened mouth, my eyes sliding from the episode of Vampire Diaries I was watching to an excited Zendaya standing at the end of the couch.

"What?" I managed to say through a mouthful of popcorn, eyebrows pinching together once I swallowed it down and dropped the rest that was in my hand back into the bowl. "What did you say?"

"You, me, and the girls. We're going to a frat party." She says excitedly, hopping in place with her hands clasped.

"Uh, I'm not going anywhere." I state and point at the screen. "I'm going to spend my night drooling over Stefan. So I'll pass."

Zendaya instantly deflates and she frowns, moving to plop herself at the end of the couch with her arms crossed over her chest. "First of all, Damon is the hotter brother. Second of all, you are not staying home by yourself while the rest of us go out." She states and I frown as I stare at the TV.

"I don't feel like going anywhere. I had a long day at school and just feel like staying in tonight."

"You say that literally every single time I ask you to come out with us." She says and shakes her head. "When did you become such a homebody? You weren't like that before,- well before everything with Zack and Karley went down." She mumbles the last part and though her words hurt me a little, I know she's just being honest. And she was right; before Zack cheated on me with Karley I went out all the time. I was always up for a good party and I rarely never said no to them. At one point, I was fun.

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