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I woke up to the warmth of the sun hitting my face, a feeling of dread instantly consuming me once I remembered what happened last night. The whole point of hooking up was that there were no strings attached and I had made the mistake of letting Harry stay the night instead of kicking him out of my bed like he so rudely had done in the past. I hadn't even realized I'd allowed him to stay until I woke up in the middle of the night, rolled over, and bumped into a large body. Needless to say I had never scared myself as I did then but I was too exhausted to kick him out of the bed and send him home. Plus, he looked too comfortable.

Yet now, now I was really regretting it. What the hell did I say to him the morning after? The first time we slept together he was so rude the next morning so it was easy to be rude back. But he hasn't been like that lately, so how do I do this?

The truth was I didn't know how. So with much reluctance on my part, I slowly rolled on my back and looked to my side. But you can imagine my surprise when I see the other end of my bed is empty, the indent of where his body had been the only indication that he'd actually been here. Though I was relieved that I didn't have to be faced with the awkwardness of the morning after, a small part of me felt disappointed. I wanted to ignore the sinking feeling in my gut and I scrunched my face up in repulsion with myself. Why was I feeling like this? You don't care, I silently reminded myself with a nod. This was what you wanted. A no-strings attached hookup friendship. I had no right to be upset over this. Which, I wasn't. I'm fine. You're fine.

Deciding not to dwell over the situation any longer, I tossed the duvet off my body and threw my legs over the edge of my bed. I winced once I did, the ache and soreness between my legs impossible to ignore. It was uncomfortable but I couldn't really find it in myself to complain when I thought about how it came to be that way in the first place. It was worth it. So with this thought in mind, I stood up on stiff legs and stretched my arms over my head. The bones in my back cracked loudly and I slowly walked to the window in my room. My intent was to just check the weather outside but my back straightened immediately when I noticed the familiar Range Rover parked against the sidewalk. Exactly where it had been parked the night before.

Because the universe hated me, it was that moment I suddenly heard the voices out in the living room. My eyes widened, and I whipped around to stare at my closed door, thinking I might have imagined it. I waited a few more seconds then heard the deep voice I had become accustomed to over the last few weeks. Oh my god.

Panicking, I ran across the room and threw my bedroom door open before bolting out in only a long gray t-shirt I had thrown on before bed but I didn't care at the moment. I was set on getting to the kitchen, so I ran and came to an abrupt halt when I saw Harry sitting at the kitchen table shirtless. He was mid-bite on a piece of toast, his eyes darting to me the second I appeared at the threshold of the kitchen. His eyebrow arched and I stared at him in horror as he smirked slightly, the crunch of the toast being the loudest thing in the room as he continued to eat.

"It's about time you got up," my gaze was torn from him and I looked across the kitchen to see Zendaya standing with her back pressed into the kitchen sink. Her arms were crossed and I couldn't tell if she knew what Harry and I had done last night or not. "Thought you were going to end up sleeping the whole day."

"Oh," I mumbled and straightened, nervously pushing my hair behind my ear. "Uhh no. I was just really tired."

"Yeah I bet," my eyes darted back to her, wide and filled with fear as my heart stopped. She knows, fuck.

I opened my mouth, ready to defend myself when I choked on my own spit. "I-, what?" I asked instead and she gave me a strange look, her eyebrows furrowing.

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