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After wandering the apartment complex several times, I finally come to the side where I remember stumbling drunkenly with Harry. The bush of flowers planted near the walkway are roses on the other side while these ones are pink and I briefly remember thinking that they were pretty when Harry and I had walked by them. It's the only indication I have that I'm at the right place; Harry had only texted me what time to be here. I think he assumed I would remember exactly where his place was and though it took some time, I'm positive I'm at the right door now.

Hitching the strap of my purse over my bare shoulder, I adjust the canvas in my arms before knocking on the door. I wait a few moments, nervously shifting from one foot to the other when I hear someone walking to the door on the other side. God, I hoped I was at the right place. How embarrassing it would be If I wasn't.

Thankfully, when the door does open, I am met with familiar green eyes and I sigh out of relief. His eyebrows raise when he sees me but he pulls the door open wider, stepping to the side to let me in. "You're late."

"I got lost, couldn't remember which side you lived on." I shrug as I enter, moving to let Harry close the door behind him. My eyes briefly scan our surroundings to see the living room was spotless in comparison to our apartment. Part of me wondered if Liam and Zayn were just as much of a neat freak as Harry was or if he just constantly cleaned when he could. Pulling my gaze away from the large paper I could see lying on the table, I look back to Harry to see him running his fingers through his hair. The thin white button up he currently wore rode up when he did, exposing the skin just above the waistband of his jeans and boxers.

"Sorry, I assumed you remembered where I lived." He spoke, making me tear my eyes away from his skin and I look up to see he had caught me. My cheeks flush but surpisingly, he ignores it and walks by me as he waves me over to follow him. "You can set your canvas on the couch. Do you want anything to drink?"

Following after him, I pause to stand my canvas up against the couch before dropping my purse right beside it. Once that's done, I move towards the kitchen and stop at the threshold, leaning my body against the frame. "Sure. What do you have?"

"Mmm," He hums before opening the fridge, one hand clasping the door while he bent down to look inside. "We've got beer, water, iced tea, soda, and more beer."

"Iced tea, please."

He nodded and reached inside before standing back up, tossing me the Gold Peak bottle. Not expecting him to toss it, I scramble to catch it and manage to before it hits the floor. Harry laughs, deep chuckles echoing around the kitchen while I send him a glare but he ignores me and grabs himself a beer. I watch him move around the kitchen as I open my bottle and take a sip from it. While he's busy looking for a bottle opener, I take the opportunity to stare at him. His hair seems curlier than usual today and his face looks softer too, like he had spent some time wearing a facial mask to make it look that way. Or maybe he shaved? Whatever it was he did, his skin looked smoother and it made his eyes stand out more as well.

"Found it!" He sang happily and used the bottle opener to pop the cap of his beer off. Tossing it back onto the counter, he turned around and leant against it before bringing the rim of the bottle up to his lips. Green eyes met mine, briefly surveying my face before sweeping over my attire. Feeling a little self-conscious at his stare, I shifted on my feet and adjusted my cotton sundress.

"So," He started once he pulled the bottle away from his mouth. "Did Zen give you a hard time after I left yesterday?"

"Since when did you start calling her Zen?" I asked instead, amusement lacing my tone. I remembered he had called her that yesterday as well but I was too distracted about the topic of conversation to point it out to him.

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