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🚨🚨APRIL 7th !!!! 🚨🚨
Babe is actually treating me for my birthday this year🙃🙃

If the gif kills you as much as me than vote 😊

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We had sat there for the past three hours drawing on our canvases with barely a few words exchanged between the two of us. Harry seemed to have put a wall up and I found myself constantly scrutinizing him when he wasn't looking. He looked somber yet emotionless. Troubled, even. But I had no idea what the reason was for his change in mood and I was too afraid to ask him. He had been so nice to me the last few days I was scared if I said one wrong thing, it'd set him off.

Sighing tiredly, I pulled my hand away from my drawing and set the canvas aside before standing up. Harry didn't even look up at me when I did but I ignored it and went to my bag that rested on the floor next to the foot of the couch he currently sat on. Bending down, I dug inside it until I felt my phone and pulled it out. Pressing the home button, I found two missed calls from Louis and one text from Niall.

Niall: Hey mate, are you up for coming out with us tonight? You promised us you'd spend some time with us this weekend.

I mentally slapped myself for forgetting and pressed my lips together, stealing a glance at Harry who still was focused on his project. He mentioned getting dinner afterwards but with his mood, I was sure he was going to change his mind.

Me: Sure. What time and where at?

I waited until I received his reply with the address and time, glancing at the clock to see it was only fifteen minutes from now. Deciding I should probably start heading out then, I picked my bag up and slung it over my shoulder. When I stood up to my full height Harry had finally glanced at me, eyes darting to my bag on my shoulder. He stopped drawing and sat back. "Where are you going?"

"I'm actually meeting up with some friends in fifteen so I should probably start heading out." I said, walking back to where I had been sitting to pick up my canvas.

"What about our project?"

"I think I've gotten enough done today."


The tone of his voice caused me to pause and I looked at him to see his shoulders had sunk down. His eyes were focused on his drawing again but he was merely staring at it with a frown on his face and I felt bad. Maybe he really did still want to go get dinner together even if he wasn't in the best of moods.

"Uh," I cleared my throats and tucked my hair behind my ear. "Do you want to come with us?"

His head snapped up in surprise and his eyes widened. "What?"

"I asked if you wanted to come with us?"

"With you?" I nodded. "And your friends?" I nodded again and he pursed his lips. "I don't want to intrude."

"You're not, we're just getting dinner at some pizza parlor and that's it." I shrugged and gave him a small smile in encouragement. "Come on, it'll be fun."

"Are you sure you're okay with me coming?" He asked hesitantly, pinching his lip between his forefinger and thumb.

"We're friends, aren't we?"


"Then let's go." I told him and he briefly hesitated again before standing up, turning his canvas over before I could take a peek at it. We walked across the living room and I began to head towards the front door when Harry's hand tugging on my wrist stopped me. He jerked his thumb over the shoulder and pointed to the back door.

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